Saturday, August 3, 2013


Here are the highlights of June:

Laneah and I went on a special date before she went to St Louis. We went ice skating and then had lunch. Laneah had so much fun spending special time with Nana and Papa. 
Father's day was special because my dad was here to celebrate with us. I made Jason and my dad these bacon roses and pancakes and eggs for breakfast. My sister and brother-in-law came to spend the day with us as well. 
We had lots of fun play dates. At Kami's we had a princess tea party. The girls looked so cute. 

I finished my garden with the help of my amazing mother-in-law. 

Another play date at Lea's house to enjoy the pool. 

Laneah saw the Build-A-Bear that Brooklyn got and wanted one too. Jason gave in and let her go pick one out. She picked a puppy dog. 

We have been enjoying our kiwi crates this summer. In June we got to make nature boxes and go on scavenger hunts. We found all kinds of treasures including butterfly wings and a birds nest. 

June was fun and went by fast with summer camps and Laneah's vacation. 


Heather said...

Your garden turned out beautiful! We just finished the rock wall in our front yard. 6 years later. It still doesn't have anything planted in it, but the wall is there! Laneah sounds like a good negotiator. A week with Nana and Papa, then gets a puppy from Daddy--girl has skills! :) I love these stories and photos of your beautiful girls.

Nana said...

Such sweet summer memories!