Sunday, August 25, 2013

Baltimore Zoo

While my mom was visiting (at the end of July) we went to the Baltimore Zoo. We had been once last year for Laneah's preschool field trip and loved it so we were excited to go back. (Laneah's pretending to be a fierce lion in this picture)
The girls wanted to get on this lion and take their picture. 
I thought these were cool, they are the paw prints of the different animals at the zoo. 

The giraffes weren't coming up to eat, so we weren't able to feed them which was a bummer, but we still got to see them.
When we went into the monkey house, Brooklyn immediately plugged her nose:) 
The children's zoo there is really fun and interactive. They have bridges, slides, hands on exhibits and more. 
Petting an otter skin.
The giant tree slide is fun. The kids went down at least a dozen times each. 
The girls with their Nana. 

Laneah liked the goats. Brooklyn brushed this one for a second but when it got too close she got scared and wanted me to hold her. More goats came closer because they wanted attention and Brooklyn wanted out. I am with her on this one; goats creep me out with their crazy eyes! 

Poor Laneah got a giant splinter in her nail. For some reason she likes to scratch things, mostly when she is angry, but she scratched a wooden pole and a big sliver went deep into her nail. Of course she was hysterical so we got zoo security and luckily they were able to get it out easily. She loved the cheetahs and the polar bears most of all. I asked her to take a picture with the polar bear and she posed like she was taking a nap with the polar bear. Such a cutie!
It was a good day for the zoo, the weather was pretty nice and it wasn't crowded and it is always fun to have Nana time:)


Heather said...

Poor Laneah with the splinter. Those suckers hurt! It must also be hard for your parents being so far away. I can see your mom's comments on here sometimes, and I can tell that the sun rises and sets in your girls' eyes for them. I'm glad you had a great summer! Is it hard to believe that Laneah's in school now?

Nana said...

What fun memories! oh how I love you all!