Friday, July 19, 2013

Summer Camp

Both of the girls had summer camp the week of June 24th. Laneah went to sports camp and Brooklyn went to princess dance camp. Both of them were excited the first day, but Laneah was anxious as well, she has been having some separation anxiety issues lately. But they both loved their camps the first day. Brooklyn had so much fun at her camp and would even practice her dances as home. Laneah was always happy when I picked her up from camp and said she enjoyed it, but gave me a hard time whenever it was time to go to camp in the morning. I am so nervous for kindergarten. I am envisioning having to drag her to school. She keeps saying she doesn't want to go....yikes. But back to summer camp. It just so happened that they were in the same week, but it worked because they were pretty close by and Brooklyn's was from 9-11:30 and Laneah's was from 9:30-12. 

The girls on the first day. 
 On Brooklyn's last day of camp she had a mini recital. It was the cutest thing ever. I am so happy that she wants to take dance class in the fall. When we first got there she was upset because she didn't want to dance in the shirts they made. I don't blame her, it was an adult size medium. So the teacher took it off and then she wanted me to dance with her. I went and sat next to her and bribed her with a treat from the vending machine if she danced. Shameful, I know, but I wanted to see her dance. She had been asking me for something from the vending machine all week, so I knew it would work, and it did:) It was worth it to see the dances. They danced to 4 princess songs. My favorite dance was Under the Sea from The Little Mermaid. I wish I could put the videos on here too. 

 I can't wait to sign my beautiful ballerina up for Fall classes.