Friday, July 19, 2013

Baltimore Aquarium

My dad brought Laneah home on June 15th so he could spend father's day with us. He could only stay a few days but we made the most of it. Sunday was fathers day and my sister and brother in law came to our house to visit and have dinner. On Monday we went to the aquarium in Baltimore. It is easily the best aquarium I have ever been to. 
Laneah kept plugging her nose when I would take pictures. She wanted it to look like she was in the fish tank:)
I love looking at the sea horses. I have seen a lot of sea creatures while diving, but never a seahorse. 

Laneah cheesing it up with a parrot. 

This picture is so funny; it totally looks like that guy is biting Brooklyn's arm! lol. We were looking at a sleeping sloth in the tree.
Brooklyn wanted to be a butterfly. 
And so of course, Laneah had to have a turn being a butterfly. 
Laneah was most excited to see the sharks and asked when we would see them the whole time, but when we actually saw them she screamed. Every time one swam by, she screamed. So dramatic. Can I get an eye roll?
The dolphin show isn't extra anymore, but it is a lot shorter. It was fun though and we all enjoyed it. 

We played at the children's center and the girls put on an ocean puppet show for us. 
After lunch we saw the jellyfish. 

Laneah has been wanting to do the paddle boats for a couple of years. She begged me and I relented and not that I was surprised, but I was annoyed, that she hated it and complained the entire time. 

My poor dad was exhausted by the end. Laneah insisted on sitting in the front but didn't pedal for long. After the paddle boats we headed home. My dad did a few handy man projects for me because he is awesome that way and then he had to fly home that night. It was so great to see him, even if it was just a short time. 


Heather said...

Liitle stinker! The paddle boats are so fun! But they are work. Your dad is a great man. It seems like he's always going and going. He's the type of guy who will do anything for his family, and I love seeing him so involved in the girls' lives.