Friday, July 19, 2013

Summer Camp

Both of the girls had summer camp the week of June 24th. Laneah went to sports camp and Brooklyn went to princess dance camp. Both of them were excited the first day, but Laneah was anxious as well, she has been having some separation anxiety issues lately. But they both loved their camps the first day. Brooklyn had so much fun at her camp and would even practice her dances as home. Laneah was always happy when I picked her up from camp and said she enjoyed it, but gave me a hard time whenever it was time to go to camp in the morning. I am so nervous for kindergarten. I am envisioning having to drag her to school. She keeps saying she doesn't want to go....yikes. But back to summer camp. It just so happened that they were in the same week, but it worked because they were pretty close by and Brooklyn's was from 9-11:30 and Laneah's was from 9:30-12. 

The girls on the first day. 
 On Brooklyn's last day of camp she had a mini recital. It was the cutest thing ever. I am so happy that she wants to take dance class in the fall. When we first got there she was upset because she didn't want to dance in the shirts they made. I don't blame her, it was an adult size medium. So the teacher took it off and then she wanted me to dance with her. I went and sat next to her and bribed her with a treat from the vending machine if she danced. Shameful, I know, but I wanted to see her dance. She had been asking me for something from the vending machine all week, so I knew it would work, and it did:) It was worth it to see the dances. They danced to 4 princess songs. My favorite dance was Under the Sea from The Little Mermaid. I wish I could put the videos on here too. 

 I can't wait to sign my beautiful ballerina up for Fall classes.

Baltimore Aquarium

My dad brought Laneah home on June 15th so he could spend father's day with us. He could only stay a few days but we made the most of it. Sunday was fathers day and my sister and brother in law came to our house to visit and have dinner. On Monday we went to the aquarium in Baltimore. It is easily the best aquarium I have ever been to. 
Laneah kept plugging her nose when I would take pictures. She wanted it to look like she was in the fish tank:)
I love looking at the sea horses. I have seen a lot of sea creatures while diving, but never a seahorse. 

Laneah cheesing it up with a parrot. 

This picture is so funny; it totally looks like that guy is biting Brooklyn's arm! lol. We were looking at a sleeping sloth in the tree.
Brooklyn wanted to be a butterfly. 
And so of course, Laneah had to have a turn being a butterfly. 
Laneah was most excited to see the sharks and asked when we would see them the whole time, but when we actually saw them she screamed. Every time one swam by, she screamed. So dramatic. Can I get an eye roll?
The dolphin show isn't extra anymore, but it is a lot shorter. It was fun though and we all enjoyed it. 

We played at the children's center and the girls put on an ocean puppet show for us. 
After lunch we saw the jellyfish. 

Laneah has been wanting to do the paddle boats for a couple of years. She begged me and I relented and not that I was surprised, but I was annoyed, that she hated it and complained the entire time. 

My poor dad was exhausted by the end. Laneah insisted on sitting in the front but didn't pedal for long. After the paddle boats we headed home. My dad did a few handy man projects for me because he is awesome that way and then he had to fly home that night. It was so great to see him, even if it was just a short time. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Time With Brooklyn

My mom took Laneah to St Louis for 10 days. I know Laneah enjoyed her one on one time with Nana and Papa and being spoiled every second. Brooklyn also enjoyed her alone time with mommy and daddy. I took Brooklyn to the grand opening of the new mall food court area with the aquariums in it. The craft was so cute. One of the new food places that opened was Squistos Pizza, so the craft was a cardboard pizza to color, a pizza box, and a chef's hat. 
Then we stood in the long line for the face paint lady. While we were in line, the kids could go to a special touch tank where they had pulled out star fish and other sea creatures that the kids could hold and feel. Brooklyn is touching the chocolate chip sea star. 

Brooklyn asked to be a princess, of course. 
By the time we finished with the face painting, the concert was over. They had free pizza, and even pizza dough for the kids to play with. They had a photo booth set up and a table full of props for people to use (all free) so Brooklyn and I took a few pictures; I will have to scan those in later. After we got our pictures, I wanted to do something special for Brooklyn. We always go into Build-a-Bear and I let the girls look around, but we don't get anything. Laneah got one when she was three so I figured Brooklyn was ready for hers. No surprise, she picked the pink princess bear. She had so much fun going though all the motions of putting her bear together. 

She added a strawberry scent to the bear and so she named her Princess Strawberry. 

After the bear, we played in the play area for a little while and then Brooklyn got a strawberry frozen yogurt with pink bubbles and a gummy worm and then it was time to go home. 
Later that day when I was cleaning up I heard Brooklyn playing. She was being so cute and creative and then she yelled "I fly to the moon! One, two, fwee, blast off! Zoom, zoom, zoom!" I went to have a little peak and she had gotten inside her Build-A-Bear box and was pretending it was a rocket ship. Adorable. The small moments like that are what I treasure about motherhood. 
Brooklyn and I had a lot of fun being together. Our last day before Laneah came home, Jason got off work early and we went to Watkins Park. It was a gorgeous day. We started off playing at the huge play ground. It was pretty crowded, but luckily there is a lot of space. 
 Jason is such a good dad. 
After playing for a while, we hopped on the train. 
I was sitting in the seat in front of them so my head looks huge, lol. 
On the train ride, we saw a beautiful deer so close to the train that we could have reached out and touched it. Brooklyn was so excited and she kept yelling "Look! Bambi!" The deer was not bothered by our presence and didn't even flinch. He was still there on our return trip, but a little further out. We took the short walk to the animal farm and saw bunnies, peacocks, ducks, chickens, pigs and more. 
This Llama was hilarious. He was chomping down on this metal bar. 
And the last thing we did was ride the carousel. Brooklyn has loved this ride since she was a baby.  

It was a fun day at the park and it was great spending it with Jason and Brooklyn.