Thursday, December 29, 2011

Laneah is 4!!!!

*When we first got to St Louis she kept hugging everyone and saying "I missied you"

*Her favorite game she calls "deep dark"; she turns off all the lights and you play in the dark. Most of the time she pretends there is a ghost or something scary in the room. Then she will jump on you as if she is the ghost or the monster. Strange, but she loves it. 

* She will say "I'm 10 years old, mom! I'm a teenager!" Oh boy

*Laneah doesn't like going to bed and tells us that she will stay up all night. Most of the time she falls asleep pretty fast. When we were coming home from the airport she said "I am going to stay up all night and play with my toys". Not 1 minute later I look back and she is asleep in her carseat:). She has to sleep with her blankie and her animals too. 

*She likes to pinkie promise when ever she is talking about something important to her. We lock pinkies and then go "1-2-3 PINKIE PROMISE!"

*Jason told her that since she is 4 now, she is in charge of feeding the cat. But she thinks she is in charge of everything & likes to walk around and tell everyone "I'm in charge". She likes overfeeding the cat too; we might end up with a fat cat, lol.

*She tells us a lot "just pretend ok?" Especially when she wants to do something she is not supposed to. She has such a vivid imagination. 

*"I want to tell you a question"

*She likes to make Brooklyn jealous. She will pick Brooklyn's favorite toys and say "Brooklyn, look what I have!" Drives me crazy. 

*She loves eating out. She asks me daily to take her to Chick Fil-A or Five Guys. Good thing we got a Five Guys gift card for christmas. 
 *She loves being silly and goofy and making people laugh. 
*She loves to dance and does her own version of ballet and tap. 

 *She loves all of her aunts and uncles.
*She got this cowgirl outfit in the mail from her Grandma Marlene. She was so excited to finally have cowboy boots. 
*She still loves all the princesses and Ariel and Rapunzel are her favorites. One of her favorite birthday gifts was a princess sing a long DVD. 
We love our little girl. I can't believe she is four already. She continues to be my sugar and spice and tests my boundaries of patience(she can be vey strong willed) and love (I feel like I love her more everyday). I am so grateful that she is happy and healthy and my daughter. We love you Laneah.


Heather said...

Wow those 4 years went fast! I remember the day you told me about her coming to your family. I love the first pic. She's like, "OK, 4, let's do this!" She's a beautiful, happy little girl. Good job, mama!

Nana said...

She will always be Nana's very special princess! I love our sweet girl SO MUCH!