Sunday, December 11, 2011

Homestead Gardens

 We made our annual trip to Homestead Gardens last weekend. The girls looked adorable in their matching dresses. They had a lot of fun, but did not want to cooperate for pictures. Laneah wouldn't look at the camera and Brooklyn wouldn't smile. Little stinkers!

The line for Santa was long, so Jason and I took turns standing in line and taking the girls around. There are so many things to see and do so the girls were throughly entertained. 
 First we saw the amazing trains. This is less than a quarter of it; its huge.
 Then the girls wanted to get into this cute sleigh. And you can see them here avoiding the camera...grrr

I wanted a shot with the reindeer too.
 Then we went to look at all the decorated Christmas trees. 
 Brooklyn loved this reindeer and carried it around for a while. 

 Laneah found this little Christmas tree and thought it was a hat. 

 A cute little singing village
 We found some cute fabric lollipops.
  Laneah went for the taste test. Yep, there fabric alright:)
 Then we met back up with daddy to see Santa.
 They have the best displays here.

 The girls were checking out the reindeer.
 Then it was time for Santa. Laneah went on his lap right away and asked him for a puppy. He told her that only parents could give animals, lol. Good answer Santa:)
 Brooklyn grabbed the candy cane from Santa and ran off doing her I got candy dance, which includes a one armed chicken flap. It is so funny.
 We put her on Santa's lap. She didn't cry, but was still more interested in her candy cane. Laneah is still avoiding looking at the camera.

 So we might see Santa again in St Louis for better pictures, but we all had fun and will continue our yearly tradition of Homestead Gardens at Christmas time.


Nana said...

They are the most adorable little girls in the whole world!! I can't wait to them hugs and kisses!

Heather said...

(1) Love this place. Wish it was in KC! (2) The girls looked ADORABLE. Good job, mama!