Wednesday, May 18, 2011


We have been really enjoying Spring. Last year we didn't really have a spring; it just went from cold to hot. This year the weather has been amazing. Laneah "helped" me plant our garden. She liked playing with the worms more than anything and making dirt piles on the sidewalk too. But the garden turned out nice. We planted a red hibiscus, white peonies, lots of gerber daises, petunias, and snap dragons. I wish I had more room for a vegetable garden though. 
We have been doing a lot of walking. One Friday we walked with our neighbors to Rita's to get some ice cream and gelatis. The girls all wanted to taste Laneah's ice cream since it came out first.
I got an ice cream for Laneah and one for Brooklyn because Brooklyn is crazy about ice cream, but she didn't want it! Laneah was more than happy to pick up the slack.

It was a messy, but fun event and I have a feeling we will be doing that 2 mile walk often.

One day it did get in the 80s and we got out the sprinkler. And since both of my girls love water, it was a huge hit.

I love this belly laugh.

Um, I have a question..
She has a huge smile on her face, but you can't see it well because of the water.

Bubbles are another warm weather favorite. We got a new bubble gun that Laneah likes to use, and Brooklyn likes to chase the bubbles. 

So far it has been a wonderful spring. Here's hoping we will have a mild summer:)


Heather said...

The bikinis are adorable! If only I looked that cute with a little muffin hanging over. :)

Nana said...

I'm so glad you have a pretty spring. It has been very weird this year in St Louis! Tornadoes are 'potatoes' as Laneah says seem to be a weekly occurrence.
I love these pictures!