Monday, May 9, 2011


I missed all of the egg decorating and hunts and even the picture with the Easter Bunny this year. But my parents made sure the girls had fun. My mom bought them some pretty little matching dresses and took them to see the Easter Bunny at the mall. Laneah loved the Easter Bunny, Brooklyn did not. She screamed her head off.

Both of the girls enjoyed dying the easter eggs.

I was sad I missed it, but the trip was worth it!


Al said...

the girls look so cute in their easter dresses! i wish i could have been there too.

Heather said...

OK, your mom rocks. She let Brooklyn dip her whole hand in the bowl? The splashing everywhere out of the cup is enough for me. :)

Nana said...

We had so much FUN! Christy was amazing with the girls. We were so happy to have our beautiful girls!