Monday, November 29, 2010

Christy and Jereme's Wedding

On November 20, my sister was sealed in the San Diego Temple to Jereme. She looked beautiful and so happy. And he is totally smitten with her as well.  The weather was terrible. It was cold, rainy and windy, but the couple was not deterred. They took a few pictures outside and then we all made the long trek to L.A. for the wedding reception. We didn't put the girl's dresses on until we got to the reception since we didn't do family and wedding party pictures outside. My mom bought Laneah this gorgeous flower girl dress and she looked like Cinderella.

 Brooklyn looked stunning too of course.

Laneah giving a hug to her new Uncle Jereme
The wedding cake. The reception was beached themed. Didn't it turn out great? The seashells on the cake are white chocolate.
Jason and I in our fancy wedding clothes. Doesn't this look like a prom photo? lol
I tried once again to get a family photo. They were so bad I am not even going to post them, but I got these cute photos of Laneah and I, and one of Brooklyn and Jason. Does photoshop allow you to combine photos? I will have to find out.
The girls with Nana.
The happy couple
My sister and I. Laneah wanted to be in the picture too apparently.

My handsome brothers Jake and Alex. Andrew is currently on his mission in Nevada.We missed him.

My grandma and Aunt Donna were able to come and they made Christy this amazing beach quilt.
I put a dab of frosting on Laneah's nose and she thought it was hilarious.
All of the siblings dancing together.
Laneah loved dancing and once she was spinning and spinning and when she stopped a bunch of people clapped and she smiled at them and bowed. It was so cute and funny. 

My happy parents
The reception was a lot of fun and once it was over it was hard to say goodbye to everyone since we were all going to our homes the next morning. It was a beautiful wedding and a fun, but hectic vacation in California. We love you Christy and Jereme! Congrats and we wish you an eternity of happiness.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

El Coronado Island

We went to El Coronado Island one day to check out the gorgeous hotel out there and to go to the beach. As soon as we got to the beach Laneah ran right to the water and jumped around running and squealing It was too cold to swim, but Laneah didn't mind the getting in the water a splashing around some in her clothes.

 And what is a trip to the beach if you can't eat any sand right? Little Brooklyn had fun crawling around in the sand and enjoying a few taste tests.

She really liked the feel of the sand between her toes.
I bought Laneah a kite while we were in San Diego and she flew it for the first time at the beach. She had the best time. She took it and ran all around laughing and giggling. Once she let go of it and I had to chase it down the beach. Each time I would bend to pick it up, the wind would blow it away again. So funny. Some nice person took pity on me and caught it when the kite blew in their direction, but we were all laughing really hard.
It was great just being on the beach with my girls
 And with Nana too!
 It wasn't your typical beach day, but fun all the same.

Sea World

We also went to Sea World while we were in San Diego. It was a pretty chilly day and Sea World was almost like a ghost town. We fed the seals first and it was crazy because the birds would practically attack you to get the fish. One bird actually snatched a fish right out of Jason's hands! It was pretty funny but the seals weren't happy to be cheated out of their food. Then we saw the sharks and it was so funny because Laneah kept gasping and saying "oh my goodness!" 

They have a little Sesame Street in the middle of the park and we went there to play. Laneah rode the rides with Uncle Jacob and Uncle Alex.

The girls played in the play area that is normal spraying and dumping water all over the place, but it wasn't on because it was too cold.
And while we were there we saw Cookie Monster and Elmo. Laneah was surprisingly scared so I told her she didn't have to go, but heaven forbid Brooklyn get all the fun and attention, so she came too and then had a great time giving hugs and high fives to them. Brooklyn loved them too. She kept laughing at Cookie Monsters googly eyes.

 We got to pet some stingrays and feel starfish also.
The Shamu show was disappointing. It was a really weird story, more about the trainer than the whales, and there was lots of really inspirational and intense music without any performance follow through. It was neat to see the whales do tricks, but overall wasn't very exciting. Laneah loved seeing the whales jump and splash and would laugh, clap and cheer throughout the performance.
Our favorite show was the sea lion and otter show. It was a spoof off SNL and was so funny. Here the sea lion was a superhero and had on this cute cape.
 Laneah watched the whole show eating a bucket of yummy popcorn.
 We played a game and Laneah won this dolphin. She loves it and took it everywhere. Oh, and it was so fun to take on the plane ride home. 
 She loved having her Uncle Jacob and Uncle Alex there.
One of my favorite parts of the day was feeding and petting the dolphins. Laneah was kind of hesitant at first, but enjoyed feeding the dolphins too.

Brooklyn had lots of fun too. She loved petting the sting rays and seeing all the animals.
They had a beautiful tree up and an ice skating rink. I wish we had time to ice skate, but we didn't so we got a quick photo with the tree anyway. 
It was a good day and both the girls enjoyed Sea World.

Friday, November 26, 2010


On our first full day in California we went to Disneyland. Laneah had been dying to go. She would make me go to the Disneyland website every day for months and watch the video over and over again. We got there and saw Pluto, Mickey and Goofy right away. I bought Laneah a little autograph book to have all of the characters sign and she loved taking the book and pen up the the characters.

 Laneah with her Aunt Christy, the beautiful bride-to-be.
 Then we went through Sleeping Beauty's castle and met Snow White. She was super cute and talked just like Snow White did in the movie. The characters aren't allowed to hold babies, which is why Brooklyn isn't in any princess pictures.
 After meeting Snow White, we headed to Fantasy Land for some fun rides. Brooklyn rode the Carousel for the first time and LOVED it. She was so sweet. She would smile and wave, it was adorable. She ended up riding it three times. 
Laneah's favorite ride was the teacups. She would giggle so hard she would grab her stomach and bend over. It was hilarious. It was the perfect time of year to go. It wasn't very crowded and the weather was great. We were able to ride the teacups three times in a row and didn't even have to get off. 

Then came lunch time and the first meltdown. While my parent's got food, the rest of us went to the Finding Nemo ride, which you would think would be a kid's ride, but was really scary. 

Brooklyn was my little trooper. I am not sure why, but she won't sleep anywhere but her crib. She stays awake until she is completely exhausted and just passes out and then she will only sleep for about 15 minutes. But she wakes up as happy as a clam. Here she finally fell asleep with her Minnie doll.
While we were eating lunch, Laneah got of her chair and peed her pants. Luckily we were outside and she didn't have her shoes on. Not so lucky, I didn't bring any extra panties or clothes because she doesn't have accidents anymore. So we wrapped her in a blanket, went the nearest store and paid a hefty $60 for a new outfit. That is why she is wearing different clothes in the following pictures. We were in Toon Town so she got a Minnie outfit. She got to see Minnie there and go to Minnie's house, which she loved. But another meltdown ensued when we had to leave Minnie.Luckily she got distracted by some fun little cars.
The longest we had to wait in line was to see the Princesses, it took about 30 minutes. They have 2-3 princesses there at a time, but don't tell you which princesses are there so you don't know until you go back. They ended up having Snow White, Belle and Ariel. Laneah was excited to see Belle, who is her current favorite princess because of the movie.
 And she was excited to see Ariel too. She just loves her fake smile.
 After the Princesses we rode Its a Small World and it was amazing. They completely revamped it for Christmas, and instead of playing the small world song, it was a fun Christmas melody. Laneah was in complete awe the whole time. It was one of my favorite parts of the day. (The outside of Its A Small World)
We rode a bunch of other rides, but all too quickly it was time for fireworks. Both of the girls loved the fireworks. After the fireworks my dad and I ran over to the Indiana Jone's ride. I wanted to ride just one adult ride and it was only a 10 minute wait. It was awesome. 

They had the whole park decked out for Christmas. It really was a perfect time of year to go. We posed in front of the Christmas tree before we left. 

Laneah did not want to leave, but then again, I don't think any of us did. We all loved Disneyland, it really was magical.