Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Joys of Fall

There is something about Fall that just makes it special. I love the weather, the leaves, the pumpkins, the Fall treats (pumpkin cookies, yum!), and the festivals. All so fun.These are some pictures from our trips to Homestead Gardens and Montpelier Farms. Jason's stepmom, Darlene, took Laneah to Homestead Gardens a couple of weeks ago and we met up with them later in the afternoon. Laneah was exhausted when we got there and Brooklyn was tired too, so we actually didn't stay long, but did a few things. Of course Laneah wanted to ride the pony again. 

Laneah loves throwing hay in the air, she thinks it is so much fun. 
We tried to take some pictures, but the girls were tired so they gave limited to no smiles and after several meltdowns (Darlene said Laneah was happy and perfect until we got there, of course!) we gave up and left without any pumpkins.
Laneah has a fake smile that rivals her dads. Brooklyn just looked at me, like I want to go home and go to sleep and what the heck are these things anyway?
This past Saturday we went to Montpelier Farms and the girls were in much better moods until the late afternoon.

Laneah thought that this Tether ball was the coolest thing in the world. She would chase the ball and just crack up.
Brooklyn couldn't get in the hay maze, but she sure wanted to. Here she is trying to step into it.
So cute, I think she looks like a little ballerina in this picture.
Laneah and I rode the "cows" pulled by a tractor.
 Brooklyn had fun with daddy while we were on our ride.
We went to the pumpkin patch section, but neither of the girls wanted to cooperate for pictures again. I just want one, is that too much to ask? Well, these will have to do.

We got a few of them smiling with me, although they aren't looking at the camera, at least I get to see Brooklyn's dimples:)

 Laneah favorite thing was the hay slide. She rode the first time with daddy. I know it isn't a very centered picture because the camera was zoomed, but I love the look of pure joy on Laneah' s face.
After riding with daddy she insisted on riding herself and went about 6 times in a row.
After the hayride, the girls and Jason had enough so we went to Chick Fil-A for dinner and then went home. It was a cute farm, but expensive, we probably won't go there next year.


Marija said...

what great pictures! your family is so beautiful! i'm sure grant would have wanted to be in the pictures, too!

Nana said...

The pictures are great! you guys have so much fun with your beautiful girls.I sure love you all!

Heather said...

It's such a bummer when they won't cooperate for pictures. :) You're right--we just want ONE. That's not too much to ask for, right? Regardless, you got some cute pics. Love you, sweetie!