Monday, June 14, 2010

Families Are Forever

On Saturday we were able to the Nauvoo Temple and have Brooklyn sealed to us for time and all eternity. It was a beautiful experience. Brooklyn looked so beautiful in her dress and we took some pictures all in white afterwards. When Laneah saw us in the temple she laughed at Jason and said "silly daddy" and then called me "Princess Mommy". Most of my family was able to be there and that made it even better. We love our little girls and we are so happy that they are ours forever.


Kandice said...

Teary! So happy for you guys. That is amazing. Definitely beautiful pictures!

katie said...

Congratulations! That is SO exciting. I love all your beautiful pictures with your family and the temple! What a perfect day!

K+C=M+K said...

Awww!!! Rach, that made me want to cry! You guys look so celestial and beautiful! I am so happy for you guys- your little family is so beautiful:) Congrats!!

Heather said...

These are beautiful pics. I would have LOVED to have been there. We're not going to get to see you guys, are we? You're leaving the 21st? We have commitments every weekend this month, and the week days obviously don't work. This makes me sad...

J, E, M & I said...

Wow! You have brought tears to my eyes... I am so thrilled for you all, and your daughters are so beautiful... Well done! :)

Cam said...

Congratulations! I love the family pictures in white. You all are so beautiful.

Kat said...

I can't stop crying!!! I love and appreciate you guys so much!!! I love you!!! The pictures are so beautiful, Brooklyn is growing so fast!!!