Saturday, April 25, 2009

What Happened to Spring?

It went from cold to chilly to hot! Today was in the 90s and humid! Hopefully spring will make a comeback. I had to go outside to water my flowers and Laneah came with me because she loves to be outside and therefore no one can go outside without her:) She thought that the water spray from the hose was so fun. She put her hand out to feel it first, then both hands and then her legs and then she ran through it and was laughing hysterically. I had Jason come out and film a little of it. I guess I will have to get a sprinkler for the summer:)

In other news, Laneah learned how to twirl and spin last week and also thinks it is really funny. She spins and spins until she is dizzy and falls over. She also added the moonwalk to her dance routine...I have no idea where she got the idea from, but one day she was dancing and then just started walking backwards. I have been trying to get it on film, but no luck yet, I will keep trying. I have a short video of her spinning though....just don't mind the bra on the floor...haha

Laneah has been showing off her belly and belly button lately. She especially likes to show her "friend" in the mirror. This video is really funny.


Nana said...

Oh My, She is going to have so much fun on her visit here! I love this age! Watching Laneah discover the world wakes up me up to see world through her eyes.She is such a fun baby girl!

Cam said...

She is SO cute with the water!

Heather said...

Tell Laneah that auntie Heather has 2 fun sprinklers waiting for her! She's going to have so much fun with Isabella :)

Michelle said...

Super Cute!