Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

We had a fun Easter. I was excited to put together an Easter basket for Laneah. I didn't give her any candy except for a sucker, but I gave her a doll, a book about bunnies, a bunny puppet and some other cute little toys. She has a real sweet tooth and loves chocolate, but I try not to give her very much. I did give her her first sucker because it was a cute pink sucker in the shape of a butterfly. She was really excited about the basket and all of her new toys. And she looked so beautiful in her Easter dress. After church, we ate lunch and took naps and then went over to Jason's grandparent's house for Easter dinner and an Easter egg hunt. Laneah is still too little to care about hunting for eggs, so she just chased the dog and ran around outside while all the boys ran around getting the eggs. It was cold, but at least it was sunny. The dinner was delicious and it was a great day with the family. There were quite a few cute pictures so I did a slideshow since I haven't done one in a while:) Love you all, Happy Easter!


Caroline said...

What absolute cutie and sweetheart! Happy Easter!

Nana said...

Laneah looks like she had a Wonderful day! What a sweet loving family you are.I love you.