Uncle Drew met Sawyer for the first time, and I met his fiance for the first time.
I hadn't been to Utah since Laneah was born, and hadn't been to Provo since high school so it was cool to go back. The mountains are always in plain sight and so majestic.
I was able to meet up with an old college roommate and bff Melissa. It had been 10 years too long! It was so much fun to see her. She was about 8 months preggo when we met up. We went to dinner and then drove around and got dessert. We just wanted to talk and talk...it was like all great friendships where you can pick up right where you left off.
I also got to meet up with a good friend from Hawaii (Jen) and we went to Waffle Love and yes, I did love their waffles. Amazing.
All of the siblings came to the wedding and it was great to have everyone together.
It was a short trip and we were super busy with wedding things so Saturday morning came quickly and it was wedding time. We had to get up early to go to a pre-wedding breakfast at Cracker Barrel and then headed to the temple. My handsome brothers:
They got married at the Brigham City Temple. It was pretty on the outside, but the inside was jaw dropping.
We really lucked out, it was sunny and around 50 degrees which is amazing for January in SL. It was still chilly, but not freezing like it could have easily been.
My grandma was able to come as well, she is 95 and is spry and cheerful and I just love her.
The sweet little boys in their suits.
The sealing was beautiful and they were so happy. You could see how much they love each other just with their glances.
We drove straight from the wedding to the reception. It was a really long day.
Christy and I were in charge of the hot chocolate station and I think it turned out really nice.
Me with the man of the hour.
All the sisters!!
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