What makes you happy?
Playing with Ezra and going crazy
What is your favorite animal?
What is your favorite thing to eat?
What is your least favorite thing to eat?
Anything with Ricotta Cheese
What is your favorite thing to do?
Wrestle with daddy
What is your favorite tv show?
Lab Rats
What are you really good at?
What is your favorite movie?
Big Hero 6
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite song?
Fancy (kidz bop version)
Who is your best friend?
Ezra and Scarlette
What do you and mom do together?
Eat and play
What do you and dad do together?
What is your favorite sport?
What is your favorite place to go?
The mall and Nana and Papa's house
What is your favorite book?
Mo Williams books
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A scientist
She still says adorable things. The other day we were talking about different cultures and ethnicities and I mentioned her friend Shivali was Indian and she said "and I have jalepeno blood!" haha because she is 1/8 Filipino. She also says "mohog" for mohawk, "yesterday night" for last night and "aminals" for animals. Sometimes I have a hard time understanding Brooklyn and Laneah will sometimes translate. Once she said "it's ok mom, I can speak her jibberish". Love it.
Laneah is funny and smart. She is doing well in 1st grade. She continues to be curious and do experiments. She loves to draw and craft and to get messy. She created her first joke "If a cat lived on Maui, it would say 'Meow-ee' "
Laneah insists on dressing herself. This is proof that I have no say in what she wears because as she has told me "Mom, you don't know anything about fashion". Well, at least not your kind little girl;) She is a fashion rebel. Most of the time, she won't let me fix her hair either.
She did a month of dance but didn't like her teacher or class and they didn't have hip hop as an option this year. She is taking gymnastics instead now. But that doesn't stop the daily dance parties and dance shows she puts on for us.
Laneah loves taking selfies, especially with her BFF Ezra.
She is still as messy eater and loves all food except pie crust and anything with ricotta cheese.
Time is flying. She has a lot of attitude, but I love her to pieces.
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