What makes you happy?
Doing puzzles
What is your favorite animal?
What is your favorite thing to eat?
What is your least favorite thing to eat?
What is your favorite thing to do?
Play with Laneah
What is your favorite tv show?
Dora and Friends
What are you really good at?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite color?
Pink and purple
What is your favorite song?
I am a Child of God
Who is your best friend?
Sidney and Lottie
What do you and mom do together?
Eat cereal and play games
What do you and dad do together?
Snuggle and sleep
What is your favorite sport?
What is your favorite place to go?
What is your favorite book?
Fancy Nancy
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A Teenager
Brooklyn is still a fashion diva. She likes to wear lots of bright colors and skirts with leggings. Just like when she was little, she collects a bunch of random, small items or toys and fills up bags and purses with her"treasure".
She is super goofy and quirky. She likes to make people laugh and loves to rhyme. She calls me mama chama. She will say random things like "you silly puna chana". Some of her funniest sayings are:
"Chummy cheeks" She will say about Saywer, "awe!! Look at those chummy (chubby) cheeks!"
"Pritta please" pretty please
"The grink" The Grinch
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking? I am"
"My tummy says I'm full/hungry"
She has a few food allergies, although I can't pinpoint them, that give her hives. She also gets hives every time she gets a fever but she calls them "bee hives"
Sometimes when she says something totally random, we will ask her "where did you hear that?" and she will say "my brain told me!"
Her fake laugh sounds like Janice from Friends
I love her, but the girl can whine. Drives me nutty.
Her favorite place to go is YoLavie (Frozen yogurt) and she still loves her mama. She gives lots of hugs and kisses still, but not as often as she used too.
Anytime there is a picture opportunity, she asks me to take a photo. She also likes to hold hands with mannequins.
Brooklyn is like me, she hates the cold. Most of the time she won't even play in the snow.
And sadly, it was necessary to cut her hair. It looks beautiful, but I do miss it a lot. She loves it though and that's all that matters. She likes to comb and style her own hair now and she likes to use headbands. She likes the band across her forehead though for some reason. Haha.
She made this sweet art at preschool.
She is very imaginative and can play pretend for hours. Sometimes she wants me close by, but not interfering in her play, and other times she says she wants to play by herself and asks me to leave.
Brooklyn still sucks her thumb when she falls asleep but isn't supposed to use it during the day. She falls asleep in the car sometimes still and sleeps well overall. She will sleep until 9-9:30 in the morning if I let her. She still gets in our bed every night.
She is very sneaky, especially when it comes to food. I find candy wrappers under her pillow, and food in all sorts os hidden spaces. Brooklyn is a great big sister. She loves her brother and most of the time she enjoys helping me take care of him. She is adjusting to being the middle child though and has been having pee accidents again.
I am in awe of this brown eyed beauty and her funny, sweet personality.
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