She is sitting up all by herself all the time
Brooklyn is a scooting machine. She scoots across the floor very fast
She gets on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. She has been doing it for a while so she will probably be crawling soon.
She said her first word: Mama
She is starting to show her temper. She makes an growling like sound if she is unhappy with you.
She is a very picky eater, if she doesn’t like the food, she will clamp her mouth shut and won’t eat another bite. Her favorite foods are mixed vegetables, strawberry banana, and puffs.
She loves looking at books, magazines and pictures
Brooklyn still loves jumping in her jumper or in our arms
She is a very good sleeper and is finally in her crib full time. She sleeps all through the night; only getting up once in the morning to eat and usually goes back to sleep.
She had a huge growth spurt right after she turned 7 months and in a week you could visibly see she was longer, chunkier, and her hands and feet and head were all bigger. She is now in 6-9 month clothes.
Brooklyn loves her big sister and watches her all the time to see what she is doing.
She is starting to demand more attention and entertainment and she fusses when I am not paying attention to her or if I leave the room.
She either wants to be held or on the floor where she can scoot around and explore. Sometimes she doesn’t know what she wants and goes from my arms to the floor, back to my arms, then back to the floor. Lol
Brooklyn enjoys music and is starting to show good rhythm. She waves her hands to the beat and rocks back and forth.
She had her first ride in the swing at the park and really liked it.
Brooklyn really likes animals and loves when she gets to pet our cat Monty
She doesn’t have any teeth yet, but is definitely teething. She has been more fussy and gumming everything.
The leaky faucet has been fixed! She hardly drools at all anymore; just a little from teething.
She is extremely ticklish and laughs hysterically when you tickle her; especially her inner thighs and her neck.
Brooklyn still loves to pat. When you pick her up, she always pats your back or your face. It is really cute.
Brooklyn is our little sweetheart. She is still such a good and easy going baby. We love her so much. I can’t believe that I am already planning out her 1st birthday party. I love holding her and feeding her. She is so precious and I am so grateful she is my baby.
i love the picture of brooklyn in the swing! she is so cute! i'm super excited to see you all in a couple months. it's crazy to think how much the girls will change from now to then.
Oh how I miss her! I loved going into her room in the mornings and seeing her looking up at me with a big smile! She is so sweet and beautiful! My arms feel so empty now!
I am so jealous of her coloring. That silky, olive skin of hers is just gorgeous! You must love that the drooling phase is over. And you must be so happy about her first word (and that it wasn't dada). :) She looks like such a sweet, happy baby. Great job, mama!
I loved reading your updates on your girls! They are cuter than words!! i also love reading about what they are doing developmentally because it's like a glimpse into the future for me! Love you!
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