Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Some extras from May:

I saw Brooklyn's pre dress rehearsal dance.  
Laneah showing off her drawing talent at talent night for Activity Days. 
Sawyer can't get enough of the pool. 

Shopping for some pretty flowers

Sidewalk chalk hand prints
Brooklyn picking me flowers after softball practice. 
I worked on the boat for the big Blue Angels event. 

Sawyer and I met Brooklyn on her field trip to Clark's Farm. 
Learning about plants, seeds and soil.
Scooping up tadpoles.
Sawyer's favorite part was the animals.

Brooklyn had off of school for 2 days during kindergarten conferences so she was able to go to music makers and see some friends and go to the preschool lemonade stand. It was like a preschool reunion, lol!

A peanut butter chocolate cake I made with a chocolate ganache. 
We went to Six Flags a few more times. 

Brooklyn doing some reading. She is very good at reading. 

It was awesome to see lots of my family this month and to enjoy some nice weather!

Sunday, May 22, 2016


My brother's wife, Makaila had never been to DC, so we went with them to see some of the sights. We started at the Natural History museum. 

Of course, Sawyer found buttons to push. 

It was a very chilly day for May, but we walked around DC anyway. 

There were lots of ducklings at the Lincoln memorial. 

Sawyer really wanted to get in the water haha.

It would have been nice if it was warmer, but it was still great to spend some family time in DC.