Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Sawyer 6-7 months

6 month check up stats
      16 lbs; 25%
      27 inches; 70%

Two top teeth February  9th
Gerber baby
laughs really hard
too big for baby swing so we put the swing away
hated rice cereal, apples, sweet potatoes and finally liked bananas mid february
will eat 6-10 ounces at a time
likes to smack his hands down on everything
likes feeling different textures
fascinated by light switches and blinds
loves to look out windows and in the mirror, gives himself kisses in the mirror
He will put his hand up to my mouth while he is eating his bottle and wants me to kiss his hand over and over and over
he grew in to size 3 diapers
likes to stick out his tongue just a little
first swing ride at park
