Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Kindergarten Field Trip

On May 2nd, Laneah had a kindergarten field trip to Clarkland Farm. Brooklyn and I tagged along so we could hang out with Laneah. Laneah was so happy to see us and gave us big hugs. 
 Each kindergarten class had their own tour guide. They started off on a hay ride and then caught some tadpoles. Then they learned about different plants and vegetables that grow on the farm. 

 The kids got to make their own plant. 

 After everyone planted their seeds, we got to see the animals. They had brand new baby goats that we got to hold. 

 Since it was spring there were lots of other baby animals too and the kids got to pet them as well. 

 After the animals, the tour ended and it was time for lunch. Then almost 2 hours of play time! 

 This farm has the enchanted garden with nursery rhyme and fairy tale houses. 
 Laneah was upset about something silly, I can't remember what, but she still went down the slide with her arms crossed and a pouty face! Haha.
 They had a few new slides as well. 
 Brooklyn always puts her feet out on the sides so she goes slower down the slide. 
 Little Miss Muffet.
 I was looking at Laneah and her friends and then I heard Brooklyn calling for me. I turned around and she had climbed up and was giving the "coachman" a big hug. 
 Laneah with her group; Carly and Kate.
 They had this board that measured you in comparison to a 6 foot sunflower. 

 Next we entered the maze.

 Brooklyn loved this giant cupcake. 

 Before we left, Brooklyn got a horse ride. Laneah wasn't allowed to since it was a school trip. 
It was a great field trip but we were all tired after:)


Nana said...

So fun! I'm glad you and Brooklyn were able to go with Laneah. You always take such good pictures.

Heather said...

I mean really, is there anything cuter than baby goats? Well besides those two girls, of course. When does the little man join your family? I am thrilled for you and cannot wait to see pictures. Three has been a great number for our family.