Sunday, October 13, 2013


Brooklyn had her first day of preschool on September 3rd. She was very excited to start school like Laneah. 
We had a little orientation for the kids the week before and we got to see the set up (we already know the teacher from church). 

Her first day she was geared up to go. 

With her teacher, Ms Laura.

With her classmates: Camden, Tanner, Liam and Charlotte. Kate and Cullen wouldn't sit for the picture. The kids all looked so cute. 
Brooklyn was so sweet. She wanted to go but didn't want to leave me either. She was torn. 
Looking back "bye mom, I love you". She is too precious. 
She loved preschool and after we took the kids to eat at Firehouse Subs. 
Yay for preschool:)


Kandice said...

So cute! Looks like preschool is going to be fun. I just love Brooklyn's dimples.

Nana said...

My sweet pretty Brooklyn! Oh how I love her!