Thursday, October 3, 2013

Laneah at 5 years, 8 months

Laneah is getting so big and growing more beautiful everyday. She is a handful and very spirited but at the end of the day, I still love her so much. 
She took a hip hop class over the summer and called it riff raff, lol. She is really good at it, so I signed her up for a fall class as well. 

Laneah is very animated in her story telling. Her eyes get even bigger and she moves her shoulders and her hands. Sometimes she even tells me stories while looking at herself in the mirror. (Better than looking at my mug, lol)
You know how chuck e cheese has the machine that takes the kids pictures and prints them out on cards? (If you don't, you are lucky) Laneah thinks they are her credit cards and keeps them in her purse.

Laneah also took ice skating lessons over the summer thanks to an awesome Groupon I scored. She isn't a pro, but she can skate without holding on to me, which is good. Now we just need to find some time to go practice. 

One day when it was really hot outside Laneah said "whew mom, it is really human (humid) out here".

For some reason she can't wait to grow up. She thinks being a teenager is the best thing ever. This summer she started borrowing Brooklyn's swimsuit tops and wearing them like bras, and even calling them bras. Crazy right? 

Laneah loves to draw and spends a lot of time drawing pictures. Lately she has been writing songs or as she calls them "notes", because she draws a bunch of music notes, and then plays them on her ukulele. 

Other than "I love you", this might be the best thing Laneah has ever said to me: "mommy, I think before I was born, when I lived in heaven, I said to Heavenly Father "I want Jason and Rachel to be my mom and dad" 

One of Laneah's favorite things to do it put on concerts. Usually the songs are Firework by Katy Perry or one of the songs from Barbie's Princess and the Popstar. 
She is swimming in the pool all by herself now. She loves the water. 

Laneah is very curious and is very hands on in her curiosity. This usually involved things being taken apart, broken, or a big mess that she doesn't want to clean up. Maybe she will be a scientist when she grows up like my dad. 

She caught her first fish, which is pretty cool considering that was her 2nd time going fishing ever. 
Turning 5 is a huge deal. Kids learn so much at this age. This year Laneah has learned to push herself on the swing, how to ice skate, do the monkey bars (I know I am missing a few things but it's late) and now she can also ride a bike without training wheels!

This is her favorite use of her magna doodle (banning me from her room). She really acts like a teenager, I tell you. The offense? I asked her to clean her room. The nerve!;)
Laneah also lost her first tooth on September 7th (and lost it of course) and started kindergarten! (More posts to come on that)
Laneah can be a lot to handle sometimes, but she can also be the most wonderful, fun and imaginative child. I love her so much! 


Nana said...

Laneah is totally Amazing!! I love her so much!It was so wonderful getting to have her come and stay with me and Papa for 10 days this summer! She has a beautiful, strong spirit!

Heather said...

Her comment to you has to be one of the sweetest things a child has ever said to a parent. They push us to the brink of insanity, and in one breath and one statement like that, they make us fall in crazy love with them all over again. :) 5 is such a fun age. It was such a blessing when Isabella learned to do things by herself!