Thursday, October 3, 2013

Brooklyn at 3 years, 7 months

Brooklyn has had a great summer. She keeps getting bigger and constantly reminds me by saying "look mommy, I gowing up". She loves her mommy so much, she tells me all day long "I rewee (really) love you mommy, I rewee love you" followed by hundreds of kisses. I don't even want to think about when she no longer gives me tons of snuggles and kisses. 

She still loves to read stories and her favorites are the classics like Gingerbread Man and Goldilocks. 

Brooklyn gets very concerned about me and my well being. Whenever she sees me get goose bumps (which is often, I am almost always cold) she says "oh no! Mom, you have bumpity bumps" and rubs my arms quickly to try and make them go away. 

"Yet me see" and "I do it" are common phrases. 

Whenever she is racing someone she will say "I'm beeping you!"

She calls a hula hoop a huda hoop

Brooklyn likes me to call her twinkle toes. She loves to dance and is taking a ballet and tumble class. She also still walks on her tip toes sometimes.

"I want something so yummy" This is my biggest struggle with Brooklyn. She only wants to eat snacks or candy. Getting her to eat meals is almost impossible most of the time. She gets really grumpy because I won't give her a snack unless she eats a meal and she is hungry but I don't think she knows it. Sometimes I will have to sit with her or even feed her to get her to eat (and she is such a slow eater!) And if you take a bite of her food or cut it the wrong way, she won't eat it and will scream for about 30 minutes. It can be very frustrating. 

"mommy, I want you" She says it in a whiny voice several times throughout the day but I love it anyway. It melts my heart and I am so glad that she wants me. I gladly give her my attention. 

She enjoys singing and makes up songs too. Her favorite song goes like this "It's Wednesday, it's Saturday" repeated over and over and over.....we love it, we really do;)

Brooklyn is all about consistency and repetitiveness. She is very cautious and it takes her a while to warm up to anything new. 

Brooklyn is very social and enjoys playing with her friends. 

When Brooklyn gets tired, she can fall asleep anywhere. She has fallen asleep eating, reading, in the middle of a sentence, you name it. This girl needs her sleep. 
She still sucks her thumb but we are working on it. I allow her to if she is really upset or when she going to sleep, but of course she sneaks it in throughout the day. 

*She likes to fix things and build things. I think with her focus she will be great at things like that. 
Her favorite desert is YoLavie frozen yogurt. This picture is when we went to celebrate that Brooklyn was FINALLY fully potty trained. Hands down one of the best days of my life, lol. I don't know why both my kids gave me such a hard time with potty training, but 3 weeks before preschool and dance were going to start, she finally went poop on the potty. She has only had a few accidents since then and is wearing panties all the time. I am just can't explain how happy I am about this. 

I am sure there are a thousand other things to say, but it is getting late and this post is several months late, (I am so behind!) but mostly I want to say how much I love this little girl!


Nana said...

Our little Brooklyn is so sweet! She is so very smart! She knows how to get her way by giving hugs and kisses. I love that she has found her voice this summer and I love to listen to her talk. She says the funnest things!I love her so much!!!

Heather said...

Yay for Brooklyn with being potty trained! No more wiping poopy bums after the diaper has smeared it all around! Your girls made some huge steps this summer, it sounds like. It's wonderful watching them become more independent, but sad to watch them grow up. Her hair is so much longer and curlier now!