Friday, April 5, 2013


On March 7, the girls went to the dentist. It was Brooklyn's first visit and Laneah hadn't been since she was two so she didn't remember. Teresa, one of my good friends, is a dental hygienist and the girls know her well so we went to the dental office where she works. First Teresa showed them the tools that  she would use and then showed them on their fingers how it would feel. Laneah was scared so Brooklyn went first. She did pretty good until the fluoride treatment. That took a little time. Teresa got her a new flavor and she was able to finish.  

She got a treat bag (the dentist kind with toothpaste and a toothbrush and a few little toys) for her bravery. 
Then it was Laneah's turn. She was still nervous but we got her to relax enough to do the cleaning. 

The dentist came and looked at their teeth. No cavities, yay! But Brooklyn will definitely need braces when she is older. She has a major overbite from sucking her thumb so much. I was happy that they did well and didn't have any cavities though. 


Nana said...

So glad they did well!