Thursday, April 25, 2013


March was a cold month! We celebrated Dr Suess' birthday with green eggs requested by Laneah. 
 A few of my favorite drawings of Laneah. 

 Hanging out with cousin Anthony. 
 Rita's opened and the girls couldn't resist even though it was freezing. 
 The girls enjoy doing crafts. We made this little spring egg house. 
 And these handprint flowers. 
 Anthony got baptized and Jason baptized him. It was a great evening. 
 We went to the mall for family fun days again. Kidsinger Jim, the face paint lady and a fun easter craft. We love free events!

 Laneah's friend Maddie came too. 

 Kathy got a coconut and the kids tried the coconut juice. They thought it was nasty and I agree with them.
 A few sweet moments between sisters.

 My beautiful girls.

 Snowstorm at the end of March! So annoying. 
 Hope of Spring. My mom bought me these gorgeous yellow tulips. (my favorite flower)

 I am almost done redoing my bedroom. I was just going to do blue and white, but I decided to add some yellow in there. I love it:) Top right: close up of the headboard I made since it doesn't show up in the picture; top middle: drawer knobs from Anthropology; top right: close up of my new quilt; middle left: the dresser I refinished (with my parent's help)  it was brown with ugly legs; bottom left: my new vanity chair; center: completed bed with headboard. 
Making the headboard was pretty simple; hanging it was not. Thank goodness I had my dad to help. March was a busy and fun month:)

Nana and Papa come to visit

My parents drove from St Louis to visit my sister and I for a few weeks. It was great to see them. We did some home improvements but also went to some fun places. We went to the zoo but it was spring break so it was really crowded. My sister and brother in law met us there. The girls walked on the elephant foot prints. We only spent a couple hours there but it was fun. The girls saw cheetahs, elephants, sea lions and more.  
I think the girls favorite part was the popcorn though. lol
Brooklyn loved these otter statues. She was talking to them and giving them hugs. 

After the zoo we went to the highly acclaimed Shake Shack. It was good, but overrated. 
 My parent bought the girls these shirts. 

 One day we went to the movies to see The Croods. It was a really cute movie. The movie theatre had this cute Monsters University poster. 

 We went to the mall one day because Laneah wanted to play and eat Chinese food.
 We went to DC one day. Usually the Cherry Blossoms are out by this time, but it has been so cold. Only the magnolias have bloomed. 
 We took the girls to the Air and Space Museum. My little astronauts. 

It was a great visit, we love Nana and Papa!

Easter Weekend

On Saturday our Easter bunny came along with some presents from Nana and Papa.
Laneah got clothes, Barbie cheerleader pom poms, a tic tac toe game, a pony palace and some other fun things. I try to avoid candy so they got goldfish, yogurt rasins and a few small chocolate bunnies for treats.
Brooklyn got dot to dot art markers, clothes, princess rings, and a Minnie Mouse game for the Leap Pad. 
The girls were very happy with their Easter baskets. We got dressed quickly and headed to a Spring Festival. Another free event we found. The first thing we saw were these adorable ponies. You could brush them and put pretty bows in their manes! 
They also gave the kids carrots to feed them as well. 

Ballons and friends! We told lots of our friends about the event and it was so fun seeing some of them there. 

There were also ponies you could ride. 

There was an arts and crafts station. 
And two really great face paint ladies. Laneah picked this Hawaiian rainbow. 
I love this picture of her looking in the mirror. Pure happiness on her face. 

They had separate hunts for the different age groups so Brooklyn and Laneah were split up again. 
Brooklyn got her face painted by a different lady. She got to sit on a wagon and she asked for a pony on her cheek. It was really good. 

Besties: Sidney and Brooklyn.
There were fun games and prizes as well. And of course hot dogs, popcorn and lemonade. Yum! And like I said, all free! 
It was really fun and the girls loved it. On Sunday we went to church and then over to Jason's grandma's house to have dinner with the family. It was delicious! We had an egg hunt in the house for the kids and then headed home. My parents left from there to go to my sister's in Virginia. We were sad to see them go, but we knew we would see them a few more times before they left to go home.