Thursday, February 21, 2013

Valentine's Day

The night before Valentine's Day while the girls were sleeping, I made some hearts (red for Laneah and white for Brooklyn) and wrote things I loved about them and then taped them to their door so they saw them first thing Valentine's morning. 
The girls got dressed and looked so cute. 

After breakfast we headed to Joyful Jumps with some friends and let the kids play and jump.

When they were done jumping we went to Firehouse Subs. Brooklyn chose Cheetos for her chips and is showing me her orange hands in this picture. 
The whole gang of girlies. Scarlette, Laneah, Sidney, Brooklyn and Sienna.

When we got home, I set up the games I made for the girls. Valentine graphing and color matching with conversation hearts. They had a lot of fun doing it. 

For dinner we made heart shaped pizzas and I let the girls create theirs. 

The finished yumminess.
For dessert I made a brownie batter dip (thanks again pinterest) with lots of delicious things to try in the dip. The pretzels and strawberries were my favorite, but they were all good. 
Brooklyn doing her happy food dance. 
It was a busy and fun Valentine's day. Jason even surprised me with flowers and a card. Trust me, that is big news, lol. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Laneah's 5 year old and Brooklyn's 3 year old pictures

I had the girls yearly photos done again by Megan Evans and I was so happy with them. I finally got a great picture of the girls together:)


Since I am terribly behind on blogging, I thought I would just combine January's main adventures. 

We were able to see Kid Singer Jim at the Family Fun Days at the mall. The girls were so excited. We met some friends there and they jumped right into dancing while the moms waited in line for face painting. Sorry the pictures are a little blurry. I only had my cell phone. 

 Laneah was thrilled that the Face Paint Lady (yes, that is what she calls herself officially:) was there. She is so talented. Laneah said to her "I want to be a rainbow bat girl". Ok, most face paint people have a chart with a few things they will paint on the kids cheek. This lady paints the kids entire faces and is very creative and artistic. She didn't even blink an eye to Laneah's request, and a rainbow bat girl was born. 
 Brooklyn wanted to be a pink kitty cat. It looked really cute but the stinker would not stay still and smile for a picture when she was done. 
 Laneah and Tessa.
 My parents came for Brooklyn's birthday. My dad could only stay for the weekend, but my mom stayed an extra few days. One of the days we went to National Harbor, which is one of my favorite places. The National Children's Museum had just opened in December and I was anxious to check it out. It was cute and had lots to play with, but it was in a very small space. It wasn't too bad because we were there on a school day, but I would never go on a weekend or during the summer. The girls had lots of fun, but were done with everything in about an hour. Which isn't worth $10/person.

 The girls made butterflies in the craft room.

The dress up kimono section was cute. 

Brooklyn surprisingly wouldn't put on a kimono, but liked the scarves. 
She was more interested in the food.
And made a picnic lunch for Nana.
 After the museum we went to the water. The girls wanted to see the little beach and the Awakening statue. 

 The artwork there is beautiful. This is made from glass and real shells. 
 We had lunch at Ketchup and then went to the Gaylord to see the fountains and look around since my mom had never been. 

 I tried some new pinterest recipes. This beef stew was really good and I made these homemade rolls to go with it. Yummy. I love pinterest. 
 We had a little snow. We haven't had more than an inch of snow this winter. I made some snow paint for the girls. I just put water and food coloring in squeeze bottles and let them paint to their hearts content. It was fun, but came out a little fast for them to really draw anything. They still liked it though. 

Those are the highlights from January. The girls definitely keep me busy:)