Thursday, November 8, 2012


After months of the girls knowing what they wanted to be on Halloween (Brooklyn a princess and Laneah a vampire "with blood on my mouth") they changed their minds the day of. While Laneah was at her preschool Halloween party(where Laneah wore her Merida dress), my mom, Brooklyn and I went JoAnn's and Trader Joes. At JoAnn's Brooklyn saw this purple witch costume and grabbed it and said "my costume!" She was insistent and since it was 70% off I bought it for her along with a matching purple broomstick. She was so happy.
Laneah did not want to wear her costume saying it was too scratchy. Since she begged for it, tried it on before I bought it, and promised she would wear it on Halloween, I was not going to back down. I put a shirt on underneath her costume and she was fine once I got it on her. Only took 20 minutes, sheesh. She decided she did not want the blood on her mouth anymore, which was fine with me, but a lot of people mistook her for a princess. She has already decided she wants to be a zombie next year. 

 Daddy Dracula. 
 The two vampires. Notice Brooklyn hiding under the cape?

 Brooklyn put on a cowboy hat and used her broom as a horse and ran around saying "yee haw!" lol
 Like the cinderella shoes and mismatched socks? We are having a lot of that lately.

After the girls were dressed we went to Blake's house to give him his birthday gift and wish him happy birthday.
Uncle Pierson was the girl's first Trick or Treat.
Oh the joy upon unwrapping chocolate....I can totally relate:)
 After dinner we walked around our neighborhood and found some friends. It was really cold. Brooklyn only lasted about 15 minutes and then she wanted to go back inside. 

 Laneah stayed out with me and then when I got to cold Jason went with her for a while. When they got back, Laneah wanted to sit on the porch and hand out candy. She kept yelling things like "we got candy here!", "Come get your candy!", "you can have one, maybe two pieces if you're lucky!". It was so funny. 
 It was a great Halloween!


Kandice said...

Love all the updates! Looks like you had a great holiday.

Nana said...

It was so fun to be with you guys. You take such good pictures.