Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fire Station Field Trip

On October 16 we went to the fire station for a field trip. This was our last day of preschool for the next month and a half. Laneah's teacher had to put preschool on hold to take care of her husband who broke his hip. The break might be a little difficult for Laneah but some of the moms are doing a co-op during the break to keep preschool going. Any-who onto the field trip. It was at the Waugh Chapel fire station and it was pretty chilly. The girls gave me a hard time in the morning getting dressed but I was determined not to be late since we were late to the pumpkin patch field trip for the same reasons. We made it right on time to start the tour of the fire station. The kids always like that part, but their favorite is seeing the fire trucks. 

 The girls are always holding hands.
 Laneah did not want to come any closer to the fire fighter once he was dressed in his gear. 
 Laneah couldn't wait to get into the fire truck. She asked me about 100 times when she would get to go inside. 
 Laneah with Madison, Maddie Eliza and Brooklyn.
 All the girls.
 Most of the class (with added siblings). 

I am glad we got to do our field trips before the break! Hopefully we will back in preschool after Thanksgiving. 


Nana said...

Looks like a fun field trip!