Monday, October 1, 2012

Clarkland Farm

On the last really hot day of the summer (August 30) we went to Clarkland farm with a group of friends. Despite the heat, it was fun. The kids started off exploring the little enchanted houses.

Brooklyn wanted me to take her picture at all of the different mushrooms. This is her pose and she is saying "cheese".

 The kids waited anxiously for the cow train.
 Laneah and Scarlette had to ride together.

After the cow train we had lunch and then we went to ride the horse. Laneah rode the horse twice because Brooklyn didn't want to ride. Laneah was happy about that.
 Then we pet the animals and fed some of them.

Brooklyn wore her Cinderella dress up heels the entire time. She wouldn't wear anything else so I brought an extra pair of shoes for her but she stuck with them. 
It was a great day with great friends:)


Nana said...

It is so great that you have friends to go do fun things with. Brooklyn is so funny! I enjoyed all the pictures.

Lea Tame said...

Oh, I'm so bummed I missed this. I love Clarkland farm!