Monday, July 23, 2012

Laneah at 4 years, 7 months

Laneah is getting bigger every day. Seriously, she is taller than last month and her feet grew again and now her shoe size is 12!!! She is going to be so tall. 
 *She is still crazy about Brave and pretends to be Merida daily. She is so excited to see Merida at Disney. She made her own bow out of a curtain rod and a corduroy belt. 

*Laneah is finally becoming a daddy's girl. It is to the point where it is 50/50 now and it really great to see her relationship with Jason develop more. 
*She gets braver in the water every time she gets in. She jumped off the diving board for the first time this month and didn't even have floaties on. Jason was there and helped her to the side. She can swim pretty well, she mostly needs to work on floating. 
*Laneah likes to pretend she is a teenager and she does a good job because she acts just like a teenager. She is the most defiant child I have ever met. 
*She never keeps her hair in longer than a couple of hours; drives me crazy. She also changes her outfits several times a day. 
*Laneah loves having lots of friends to play with, especially if it involves water activities. 
*She is always going and going; she is planning her next activity while she is at her current one. 
*She is a chatterbox; she has even told me "mom, I like to talk" I said "yeah, I know";) She asks a million questions a day and is very smart.

*I love this picture because it shows how these girls run all over their dad, lol.
*She still loves Chuck E Cheese and has so much fun when we go.
*She continues to ask to go to Ritas every single day. 
*When we went to the 4th of July parade she said she wanted another beach ball. (Two years ago when we went, a float threw a beach ball to her.) I told her that it wasn't likely she would get one twice in a row, but I was wrong, she did:)

Laneah goes great with July; she is a little firecracker for sure. 

Brooklyn at 2 1/2 years

Brooklyn has such a defined personality at two and a half. She is equal parts sweet and stubborn. But she doles out so much love to me every day she melts my heart. 
Her favorites:

Show: Team Umi Zoomi 
Movie: Cinderella- "Rella"
Book: Bear Wants More
Snack: Cheese sticks or fruit snacks

Some cute words/sayings:

*laughs at me and says "oh mommy!" when I do something silly.
*"otay"- okay
*She is counting well and can count to 10 by herself and to 20 with a little help. She counts everything and since she is still obsessed with money (I am not exaggerating) she might be an accountant or something similar when she grows up. 

New/Current Things:

*Brooklyn is mommy's little shadow. She has to not only be near me, but touching me. It is sweet, but can be frustrating when I am trying to clean or cook and I can't walk without tripping over her. 

*Her goal is to make people happy. If she sees someone who is sad, she will try her best to make them happy. Once she saw me crying over something Laneah said and she used her blanket to wipe away my tears and then gave me a big hug. How sweet is she? When she won't give me a kiss, I pretend to be sad and she will give me a kiss (she knows it is a game) and then she will ask "happy?" and I give her a big smile and say "yes, you make me happy!" and she smiles and laughs. 
*One of her favorite games is to play goodbye- I home game. It is very simple, but she plays it several times a day. She will say "bye, ove eww" and then pretend to leave (close the door) and then almost immediately opens it back up and yells "I home!" and gives me a big hug and I say "I am so glad you're home, I missed you so much!"A lot of times she will pack a purse and get some keys before she "leaves".
*She tries to play hide and seek and it is so cute. She giggles and hides while Laneah counts and sometimes pops out before Laneah finds her. She likes counting and looking for Laneah on her turn as well. But her favorite game is still to be chased or to chase. 
*Shortly after turning 2 1/2 she tried to get out of her crib and fell so we took the front part of her crib off. But now my once easy sleeper takes forever to fall asleep (and won't go to sleep unless Jason or I are in the room) and then gets up several times at night. I cut her naps to help and she does fall asleep faster at night, but still gets up a lot through the night. 
*Always the princess; she likes to dress up, but her favorite dress up is still accessories and shoes. 
*She likes to sneak into my makeup. Her favorite is lipstick. You can't see too well in these pictures, but she got into my makeup and put on lipstick and eyeshadow. 

*She likes to go to the pool, but it usually takes her a little while to warm up to getting in the water. She mostly prefers to play around the perimeter of the pool or sometimes the steps. 

Brooklyn is such an amazing little girl and we love her so much. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Be With Me Playseum

A couple of weeks ago we went to a new place in DC called Be With Me Playseum with some friends. It was a really cute place. A little cramped, but it was fun. The girls first stop was at the spa/dress up room. 
They had a little "pet store" as well with different animals. 
And a Domino's pizza. 
Of course Brooklyn's favorite was anything to do with play food. 

They have a little art room as well, which was cute, but the girls didn't stay very long in there. 
Laneah wanted to measure herself. 
Laneah in "China Town", her favorite place to go. 
Brooklyn made us all chinese food:)
Then we went to the grocery store. Brooklyn filled up her cart and went to the checkout. 
Then Laneah became the cashier and Josh checked out his items. 

The farm room was fun as well. Josh and Laneah were cowboy and cowgirl. 
Yee Haw!

And then Laneah decided to get married and asked Josh to be her prince. Lol. 
There were some other fun rooms as well that I didn't get any pictures of, but overall it was a fun little place. It was cramped, but as a long as there aren't too many people there, it is worth going to. 

National Harbor

One night in June, Jason and went on a double date with some friends to National Harbor. We met up with our friend Carl, who we were friends with at college, and his wife, Summer. We ate dinner at Rosas and it was so good! They made fresh guacamole on a cart right in front of you and all of our dishes were delicious. 
After dinner we walked around the harbor. Jason and I had only been once and it was in the winter time so we didn't explore then. They have a little beach on the water with some fun sculptures that you can sit and climb on. 
They also had an entire Peeps store, I didn't know they existed. 
Then we went to the beautiful Gaylord hotel. They have a giant atrium and a mini Bellagio fountain there. 
We walked around the water at sunset which was gorgeous.

And then grabbed some specialty cupcakes from a bakery on the water front to eat while we waited for the fireworks show. 
My favorite cupcake was the strawberry lemonade cupcake, but they were all good. 
Every Saturday night in the summer, Gaylord puts on a nice fireworks show on the water. 

I love fireworks and it was a good show. 
It was a really fun date and it was great catching up with old friends.