Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Be With Me Playseum

A couple of weeks ago we went to a new place in DC called Be With Me Playseum with some friends. It was a really cute place. A little cramped, but it was fun. The girls first stop was at the spa/dress up room. 
They had a little "pet store" as well with different animals. 
And a Domino's pizza. 
Of course Brooklyn's favorite was anything to do with play food. 

They have a little art room as well, which was cute, but the girls didn't stay very long in there. 
Laneah wanted to measure herself. 
Laneah in "China Town", her favorite place to go. 
Brooklyn made us all chinese food:)
Then we went to the grocery store. Brooklyn filled up her cart and went to the checkout. 
Then Laneah became the cashier and Josh checked out his items. 

The farm room was fun as well. Josh and Laneah were cowboy and cowgirl. 
Yee Haw!

And then Laneah decided to get married and asked Josh to be her prince. Lol. 
There were some other fun rooms as well that I didn't get any pictures of, but overall it was a fun little place. It was cramped, but as a long as there aren't too many people there, it is worth going to.