Saturday, April 21, 2012

Easter Day

Easter morning we had a visit from the Easter bunny. We had wanted to do it on Saturday, but since Jason had to work, we just went ahead and kept it on Sunday. The girls were happy with their baskets and it was pretty much candy free. They got bubbles, books, sidewalk chalk, little chicks and more.

Then we went to church to celebrate Jesus and His resurrection. After church Brooklyn had a little nap and then we headed over to Jason's dad's house for dinner. We were late because of Brooklyn's nap but got there in time for the younger kids egg hunt. Brooklyn was all about it, but Laneah was over hunting eggs. She just said "nah, I'm hungry, I'm just gonna eat" :) I thought she might get upset when it was over and she didn't have any eggs, but she was fine with it. 
Probably because the big toys came out. Laneah was in heaven riding with Uncle Pierson.

 And Aunt Danielle
 Brooklyn insisted on riding too and despite her expression she loved it and kept begging to go on "more" after she was done.
 I love this picture because this is my sweetie running to me. When she sees me far away, she smiles, holds her arms out ready for hugs and runs as fast as her little legs can go and catapults into my arms. I. Love. It! 
 For some reason, this picture of Brooklyn with her white dress, the flowers and her roman sandals just really makes me think of the resurrection. 
It was a fun and peaceful day. I am so grateful for my Savior. I know he lives and through Him we can all live again. Hope you all had a great Easter.


Heather said...

What a fun Easter! Were you all completely exhausted at the end of the day? I love all of the pics you post. Makes me miss those sweet girls of yours more every day, though. :(