Sunday, January 22, 2012

Laneah's 4 year old, and Brooklyn's 2 year old photos

Last year, Megan Evans did such a great job with the girls photos that I couldn't resist having her take their photos again. Here they are:

Thanks Megan!

Laneah at 4 years, 1 month

Laneah is getting so big. It is incredible how much kids change each month. So here are some new things my little 4 year old is up to:

*She loves to play "rockstar". She still likes to watch the Fresh Beat Band sometimes, but loves their new song "Rockstar". She has always wanted to play the drums (along with several other instruments; this girls wants to do everything). She pretends she is a rockstar all the time and I caught her pulling out all the pots and pans and she put on a concert for us. 
I think this is my favorite video of her of all time. 
Her new (some funny, some not) words are:

*"Thats disgusting"
*"These are my sweaty pants, they make me sweat" referring to sweat pants.
*"nut ballet"- She saw a short performance of the Nutcracker Ballet at Christmas time and was hooked. She kept telling us she wanted to see the "nut ballet"
*"I sink so" (think)
*"marote" -remote
*"I told you"
*And this one makes me sad, but she says hate. The worst is when she says she hates me or Jason or other people. I know all kids go through it at some point though. 
*"I Win!" This is another one I don't care for. I have tried to keep out competition but the time has come. She has started to cheat at games as well, but if she doesn't play by the rules, we don't play. She gets mad, but she has to learn.
*We have been reading the scripture stories every night and she likes to tell her version of the story which is cute. She likes to talk about being a child of God, choosing the right and other things she has learned through the scriptures and in Primary. 

New and Current Things:

*She still enjoys being silly. Although she thinks if she is annoying me that is funny too. She likes to make people laugh but she also likes getting any reaction, good or bad.
 *Laneah loves to sing. She sings with me, she sings along to songs in the car and she sings to herself. Her favorite songs right are 'Rockstar' by the Fresh Beat Band and 'Someone Like You' by Adele. She cracks me up with what she thinks some of the lyrics to the songs are. She has been singing the 7 days of the week song at school and home but misses half the days, it is so precious:
 and I also love when she sings 'Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer' because of the names she comes up with for the reindeer. So funny:
*She still loves to be tickled.
 *She likes to play patty cake games and is learning about rhythm. 

*Laneah likes to show everyone how she can gargle and how she can blowing bubbles in her drink.

 *Here she is singing her heart out.
 *Dance parties are always a big hit; especially when daddy joins us.

 *She loves to pretend to be Rapunzel and have you "climb" up her hair.

 *After her bath she likes to lay on the bed and have us put globs of lotion all over her so she can rub it in. I don't know why, but she thinks it is really funny.
 *She is obsessed with my makeup. This day we were getting ready for a princess ball.
 *She loves to pose for pictures and dance like a ballerina. 

 *Laneah loves crafts, but makes such a huge mess every time that we don't do too many.
 *She came to me the other day with all these bows in her hair and said "mom, I did my hair, doesn't it look pretty?" Of course, you always looks pretty.
 *She still would eat out every day if she could. She just loves to eat. As longs as she keeps up her energy level I suppose thats ok. Especially since she eats lots of fruits and veggies  too.
 *We are working on counting to 100 and she is doing pretty well. We are also working on basic addition.

*She loves playing her new Leap Pad and is getting better at it. She also really likes watching the Leap Frog DVDs which are great learning tools.
 *She loves to run and be chased and plays that game with Brooklyn a lot.
Laneah is still a ball of energy; just go go go all day long. She is a tomboy in a lot of ways. She likes anything gross or slimy. She likes getting dirty and being stinky(she cracks up when I pretend her armpits stink) and is still into everything. I wish I had her energy:) She is learning and growing and is very curious about the world and how everything works. She likes to observe people and is very sensitive to feelings. Sometimes she uses that to be sweet and sometimes she uses it to provoke. She has a strong spirit and I hope to cultivate that so she can have a strong testimony of Jesus Christ and the gospel so she can grow up to be happy and full of love. So here we go to another month of adventure!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Brooklyn is 2!!

My baby is 2 today! I can't believe it. 
We started off the morning with birthday pancakes with 2 candles, which she loved.

And when you give your kids lots of sugar for breakfast, this is what happens:

New Words:
She still doesn't talk very well but we can understand her better at least. Here are some of her new words:

*"bow" bowl-she wants all of her snacks in a bowl 
*"beas" please
*"dank eww" thank you
*"moe" more
*"dawg" dog
*She nods for yes but says no about a million times a day.
*"gak gak" backpack. She loves backpacks, especially the rolling kind.
*She can finally say some of the animal sounds right. She knows cow, rooster, cat, dog, pig and duck the best.
*She also knows the signs for please, more, all done, cracker, water, milk, and boo boo.

New Things:

*Brooklyn is becoming more daring. She is still cautious compared to a lot of kids, but she is trying more things every day.

*She is still a very picky eater. Getting her to eat lunch is like pulling teeth. Most of the time she ends up skipping lunch or just eating a little bit of it. Her favorite foods are blueberries, gogurt, cheese sticks, and fruit snacks. When she really likes what she is eating then she dances while she is eating.
*Brooklyn copies EVERYTHING Laneah does. Like a little mini me.
*She likes soup and she will drink the broth right from the bowl.
*She has such a sweet tooth. 
*Brooklyn loves playing chase, peek a boo and hide a seek. She will run around the room and when she sees you she will yell "boo" and laugh.

*She has become very independent and freaks out if you try to help her unless she asks first. When I get a cheese stick out of the fridge she gets mad it I try to open it for her so she will grab it from my hands and run away with it only to come back 30 seconds later to give it to me because she can't open it. 
*Brooklyn is getting pretty good about saying her prayers. It is so cute.

*Whenever Jason gives her a thumbs up, she tries to make the sign back, but can't do it. She puts out thumb and pointer finger out.

*She shows her ornery side when I have to put her in her carseat or button her coat. Full on tantrums.

*She got a baby stroller from Christmas and she loves pushing it around all day. She will wave and then head for the door likes she is going bye bye. 
*Brooklyn likes her bath time, although she does not like getting water in her eyes.
*When she sees band aids or Laneah gets a band aid she immediately says "owie owie boo boo" even when she isn't hurt and makes us put a band aid on her "owie".

*She continues to be very musical and loves music and dancing. Any time she hears music, even if it is my cell phone ringing, she breaks out in a dance. Her newest moves include a disco roll and this breakdance move that she copied from Laneah.
*Brooklyn wants to dress up every day. Her favorite dress is her Snow White dress. She still goes crazy over accessories too and likes to put on my makeup.

*She is crazy about books and will bring me book after book to read to her. 

*Her favorite shows are Sesame Street and Dora.

I am so glad Brooklyn is part of our family. She is so sweet and loves to cuddle and give kisses. We love her so much!