Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Tangled Birthday

Last Saturday Laneah was invited to her friend Kyla's birthday party. Laneah was so excited when she got the invitation and saw that it was a Tangled party. She looked at the invitation everyday and would talk about what the party would be like. I think the party exceeded everyone's expectations. Kyla's mom is extremely creative and she did such an amazing job on this party. She hand made these pascals for each of the kids. 
 Laneah and Maggie with the birthday girl Kyla in the center. These girls played together the whole time and gave lots of hugs. It was so sweet.
 When we first got there, Kyla's mom had made little hair flower clips for all the girls to add to their hair.
 The cake. Yes, Kyla's mom made this. The first two tiers are cupcakes, and the top tier is the cake. Amazing, right?

 She had these paper lanterns strung across the gym.
 This sign was over the food table. There was chick fil-a nuggets, jello boats and even hazelnut soup (Rapuzel's favorite).
 There were lots of crafts. Here Laneah is using the Pascal noise maker she had just finished putting together.
 They even had face painting.
 The funniest game was musical chairs. The kids were going in different directions and sometimes they would leave the game and come back later. It was adorable.

 The birthday girl getting sung to.
 The group shot of all the kids at the party. It is great having parties at the church because there is so much room.
The party was really fun and Laneah still talks about it. Thanks Kyla for sharing your birthday fun with us!


Anonymous said...

WOW! What an amazing party!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why I came up as anonymous.