Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mall Love

We have the best mall. It has all the stores you could want and tons of family activities. We went to the mall last Wednesday with some friends to see Kid Singer Jim perform. They also had story time and a mascot cat from the county library went around saying hi to all the kids. The first things Laneah wanted to do was get her face painted. The line was long, but it was worth it. This lady is an amazing face painter and can do anything the kids ask. Laneah wanted to be Ariel from 'The Little Mermaid' and the lady was like "sure, no problem" while I was thinking "what the heck does a mermaids face look like?". But she did a good job and Laneah was happy with it. (Getting ready to have her face painted. She is a little pro)

Laneah's friend Scarlette was a butterfly
 Jessica came too with baby Sienna. Sienna and Laneah have a special bond. Sienna loves Laneah and watches her and laughs at her and Laneah loves making her laugh too.

That day they also opened a grand new play area. They even had a ribbon cutting ceremony! It was all ocean themed and really cute. The girls loved being the first ones in the play area. Brooklyn was all over this starfish. It was her favorite place to play.

 Brooklyn couldn't bear to keep her shoes in the cubby so she pulled them out and carried them around with her. Silly girl:)
After spending some time in the play area, we went to lunch at Chick Fil-A and then we rode the train. 
 Laneah has been dying to ride it since the first brought it in the mall, but this was the first time they got to ride it.

 They both loved the ride. Brooklyn stuck her head out the window and waved at all the people we passed.

 It was a fun trip. We are lucky to have such a great mall nearby. Well...maybe Jason doesn't feel the same way as it tends to hurt our bank account, lol:)


Al said...

sounds like it was a fun day. i would have loved to be there!

Heather said...

You're such a good mama--always exposing the girls to different experiences. I wish we lived closer; I would love to meet up with you on the weekends for fun activities!