Monday, June 13, 2011

Chesapeake Beach

On Friday we went to Chesapeake Beach with Jessica and her baby, Sienna. It was a perfect beach day. It had been so hot all week and Friday it cooled down to the low 80s so the weather was great. Chesapeake Beach is a bay beach so the water is pretty gross, but because it had been so hot the water felt like bath water. I was worried about how Brooklyn would be because of how much she despised the sand and water in Hawaii, but she did great! She started off a little hesitant, but then started playing with the beach toys, going in the water by herself and by the end she even got brave enough to play in the sand. 

 Laneah of course jumped right in and started playing. She is a natural beach babe. I bought her a kickboard and she loved swimming with it.
 There was hardly anyone there which was nice because I have heard that it gets packed like sardines in the summer. They have a little play area with a ship that Laneah played on for a few minutes, but she spent most of her time in the water and sand. 

 The bay had lots of ducks and little baby chicks that the girls liked to chase. 

Laneah shows us how a turtle swims in this video. 
The girls and I had a fun day at beach. I thought we would only be there for about 30 minutes, but we ended up being there for 2 hours because they were having so much fun.
After the beach we got some lunch and went over to Jessica's house for a fun playdate. It was a great day.


Kandice said...

How fun! I wish it was hot here. Love all the pictures.

K+C=M+K said...

That place looks awesome! I wish I lived closer so we could go there together! The weather has been so yucky and cold her- I'm sooo over it!