Monday, June 27, 2011

Laneah at 3 and 1/2

(This post is a week late, sorry, I have been really busy and therefore behind on my blogging)

An Interview with Laneah: 
her answers are in pink

What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite animal?
camel (so random!)
What is your favorite letter?
What is your favorite food?
Chick Fil-A
What is your favorite candy?
What is your favorite book?
Barbie Mermaid
What is your favorite song?
Ariel Song and 'I am a Child of God'
What is something easy for you to do?
What is something hard for you to do?
Clean (a very honest assessment right there:)
What does Brooklyn like to do?
play with kitty


*"ladies and gentleman..." She says this when she plays games where she likes to announce people. One of the games she uses it with is when she plays princesses. She will yell "ladies and gentleman...Belle and Aurora"!

*She calls sun screen "sunspray" because we use the spray kind.

*I am not sure where she learned it but "poo poo" is probably her favorite word right now. She thinks it is so funny, I tell her not to say it because it is a potty word, but I think I am going to have to start putting her in time out for it since she still says it all the time.

*Since she speaks so well, most of the things that she says that are funny aren't just mispronunciations, but funny phrases that she says. I need to be better at writing them down because she cracks me up daily, but I only remember one right now. Laneah had just finished painting on her easel and her hands were covered in paint. I told her she needed to go wash her hands and she replied "no thanks mom, I want to be an artist".
New and Current Things:

*Laneah is pretty good at spelling her name. I will ask her to spell it and if she gets stuck I will spell it up to the point where she is at. She gets stuck after "n" a lot so I will say what is after "n" and she will yell "o" because in the alphabet that is true. So I have to tell her that I meant in her name and spell "L-A-N, what's next"? She is getting much better at writing her name and is just beginning to be interested in writing letters. 

* Ever since she took gymnastics, she wants to stop and do "the balance beam" when she sees something that looks like one. We have a lot of wooden beams that people use for their gardens in our area and Laneah and her friends think they are balance beams and walk on them all the time.
She is still best friends with our neighbors. Ezra and Laneah have a special bond I guess since they share the same birthday. They fight like sisters and love like sisters.
*Laneah has had so much fun this summer catching lightning bugs. I bought her this cute bug catching set from Target and she wants to get the lighting bugs every night. Here she is holding a lightning bug.
*More things to love about the summer : pools, sprinklers, slip-n-slides, and more and more water. She still is scared to go underwater but is getting better about having water in her face. If she had her way, we would be at the pool every day. We have always had Jason's grandma's pool to go to in the summer but this year she didn't open the pool:( It stinks but at least we have our next beach trip coming up.
*Just recently she has started to love Barbie; the dolls, the books and the movies. She even likes to pretend that she is Barbie. Here she is reading her new Barbie books.
*She likes to take showers now instead of baths, but we have a detachable shower head that we use, she doesn't just go under the shower and wash her self. Hopefully soon though:) After she shower we play the hokey pokey game to get on the lotion and she loves it. What used to be a chore is now fun. Now if only I could find a similar game for brushing her hair.....
* One of her favorite pretend games is a face painting station. She has her friend or me or whoever, sit in a chair (the station) and she will give the options which are always "butterflies, cheetahs, zebras, and Montys (our cat). Then she will pretend to paint that person's face or arm depending on what they want.

*She is obsessed with Ritas & Chick Fil-A. She asks multiple times a day to go to these two places. 

*Laneah still changes multiple times a day and hates having her hair done. If I succeed in getting her hair done, it is only a matter of time before she pulls it out. 
*She is a busy little bee. She always needs to be doing something or going somewhere; it is exhausting. We will have been gone all day doing fun things and as soon as we get home she will say something like "I want to go to ____" or "I'm bored, what are we doing"?
*She loves animals as most kids do, but she doesn't mind if animals get close. She loves puppy kisses especially.
 Laneah is smart and beautiful and so full of energy and life. She can't wait to turn 4 and to go to preschool. We love this little princess.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sweets for My Sweets

Laneah earned a lollipop for her incentive and Brooklyn couldn't live if she didn't have on either so they both really enjoyed their lollipops.

Just too cute not to share:)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Tangled Birthday

Last Saturday Laneah was invited to her friend Kyla's birthday party. Laneah was so excited when she got the invitation and saw that it was a Tangled party. She looked at the invitation everyday and would talk about what the party would be like. I think the party exceeded everyone's expectations. Kyla's mom is extremely creative and she did such an amazing job on this party. She hand made these pascals for each of the kids. 
 Laneah and Maggie with the birthday girl Kyla in the center. These girls played together the whole time and gave lots of hugs. It was so sweet.
 When we first got there, Kyla's mom had made little hair flower clips for all the girls to add to their hair.
 The cake. Yes, Kyla's mom made this. The first two tiers are cupcakes, and the top tier is the cake. Amazing, right?

 She had these paper lanterns strung across the gym.
 This sign was over the food table. There was chick fil-a nuggets, jello boats and even hazelnut soup (Rapuzel's favorite).
 There were lots of crafts. Here Laneah is using the Pascal noise maker she had just finished putting together.
 They even had face painting.
 The funniest game was musical chairs. The kids were going in different directions and sometimes they would leave the game and come back later. It was adorable.

 The birthday girl getting sung to.
 The group shot of all the kids at the party. It is great having parties at the church because there is so much room.
The party was really fun and Laneah still talks about it. Thanks Kyla for sharing your birthday fun with us!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Brooklyn at 17 months

Brooklyn is a little string bean. We were in Hawaii when she turned 15 months, so she didn’t go to her check up until last week at almost 17 months. She still doesn’t weigh 20lbs, but she is close. She is 19lbs, 6 oz, which puts her in the 3%. I was really worried, but the doctor reassured me that she was healthy, eating right and doing great. She said that Brooklyn just has a high metabolism and is using all her energy to grow upwards because she is in the 75% for height!  We put her in a forward facing car seat anyway since she was so close to the 20lb mark and she hated being in the rear facing car seat. Plus she was so long that she couldn’t stretch her legs all the way out. She loves being a big girl and sitting forward like her big sister.
She loves washing her hands and using hand sanitizer. She even does a better job washing than Laneah. If she sees anyone washing their hands, or using hand sanitizer she has to participate too.

I am so used to Laneah crying over every little bump and scrape, that it amazes me how thick skinned Brooklyn is. She will fall and not even cry so I assume she is fine, only to notice that she scraped her knee and its bleeding! She just has a high pain tolerance. 
Her favorite kids song is the ABC song. Her favorite song right now overall is "Hello" by Martin Solveig and Dragonette. The first time she heard it on the radio she went crazy so I bought it on Itunes. I let her listen to it while she was eating and every time the song ended she would point to my computer and say "eh!" (again) until I replayed it. Luckily its grown on me.

I like to wear different colors of eyeshadow and have several shades of mac eyeshadow. Brooklyn loves when I wear it. She studies it for a while and then she reaches out and touches the color and smiles. It is so cute.

She doesn't like to have dirty hands. If she has dirt, food crumbs, sand, or anything on her hands, she immediately holds her hand out to me and says "eh!eh!" until I wipe off her hand.
For some reason, Brooklyn likes to take things out of the pantry and put them on the kitchen table. Honey is her favorite food to move.
She loves to eat but is a picky eater. Plus she takes her time, it can take her up to 30 minutes to finish a meal. She still has to have a snack in her hand even if she isn't hungry. Some of her new favorite foods include corn on the cob and kiwi. Another funny thing she does is use sauce and dips like us, but she hates the taste. When we go out and get french fries, she will dip them in ketchup because we do, but then she makes the funniest face of pure disgust, but she still continues to do it. 
She has a major sweet tooth. Chocolate and sugar; I think she would have an IV drip of the stuff if she could. One day she got a hold of Laneah's chocolate milk and it was love at first taste. She practically inhales it. 
She does this pose a lot. It looks like yoga's downward facing dog. She will just stay like that for a minute or two and then do something else, but it is just so random that it cracks me up.
Brooklyn is such a cute little stinker. She is becoming very independent. She either wants to walk or run and so she doesn’t like to be held as much:( She has started walking on her tip toes sometimes too.

She has a strong attachment to blankets right now, but not any particular blanket, which is nice. When she wakes up in the morning or from her naps, she always has to have the blanket with her. She grabs the blanket, stretches out her little arms and then cuddles Jason or I with the blanket. I love cuddle time! She also loves sitting in chairs. She has two special chairs that no one else is allowed to sit in.
She still doesn’t talk very much; she says mama and dada and that’s about it. We aren’t worried at all because she communicates really well. She also understands when you ask her questions like “do you want more milk?” and will either say “yeez” or push it away when she doesn’t. Also if I ask her to do tasks, like “go get your shoes” she will go get a pair of her shoes. She even has started picking out her own clothes. I take her to the closet in the morning and I will show her different outfits and she will shake her head no if she doesn’t like it. When I pick one she wants she smiles and grabs it. It is so cute!
Her dance moves crack us up every time. She does a move where she waddles back and forth like a penguin and a move where she has one arm up and one arm back and goes in a circle. 
 She wants to do everything Laneah does. She follows her around like a little puppy dog, but for whatever reason does not want Laneah to touch her. These girls accept their roles as sisters because they fight all the time. Brooklyn is at the age where she wants all the toys. We had a friend come over the other day and anytime the little girl got close to a toy, Brooklyn would run for it, grab it, and run away with it! But that is normal for this age.

She is still a good sleeper and is still taking two naps a day. We tried switching to one, but she wouldn’t have it. But it works for me most of the time. I love that she goes down so easy. It is hard for me to believe that at this age, Laneah was crawling out of the crib! Brooklyn will never do it, she is way too cautious. She just takes in her surroundings and likes to watch. She likes to be part of the action too, but only after she feels safe and secure.

We love our little Brooklyn!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Chesapeake Beach

On Friday we went to Chesapeake Beach with Jessica and her baby, Sienna. It was a perfect beach day. It had been so hot all week and Friday it cooled down to the low 80s so the weather was great. Chesapeake Beach is a bay beach so the water is pretty gross, but because it had been so hot the water felt like bath water. I was worried about how Brooklyn would be because of how much she despised the sand and water in Hawaii, but she did great! She started off a little hesitant, but then started playing with the beach toys, going in the water by herself and by the end she even got brave enough to play in the sand. 

 Laneah of course jumped right in and started playing. She is a natural beach babe. I bought her a kickboard and she loved swimming with it.
 There was hardly anyone there which was nice because I have heard that it gets packed like sardines in the summer. They have a little play area with a ship that Laneah played on for a few minutes, but she spent most of her time in the water and sand. 

 The bay had lots of ducks and little baby chicks that the girls liked to chase. 

Laneah shows us how a turtle swims in this video. 
The girls and I had a fun day at beach. I thought we would only be there for about 30 minutes, but we ended up being there for 2 hours because they were having so much fun.
After the beach we got some lunch and went over to Jessica's house for a fun playdate. It was a great day.