Sunday, March 20, 2011


On Friday we went to the National Zoo with our good friends and neighbors. The weather was amazing. It was sunny and in the mid 70s. The animals all came outside to enjoy the nice weather as well. It took a while to get there, but once we were there, the girls loved seeing all the animals.

The girls looking through the window at the rabbits in the kid's farm.
 We saw lions.
 Brooklyn looked at everything from her stroller. It was her first trip to the zoo.
 The girls posing with the lion in the background and roaring like lions.
 We got to see two of the four baby lion cubs. They were so adorable.
 We even saw a baby elephant!
 The girls loved seeing the panda bears. Ezra has a little panda animal named Bamboo. So Laneah and Ezra kept yelling "look, its Bamboo!" when talking about the panda.
 The girls posing in front of the wicker elephant. Of course Laneah had to be a little daredevil and go over the bars.
Us in front of the waterfall. Pardon the state of my shirt, the girls were pulling on me. 
I felt bad because Laneah really wanted to see the giraffes and they didn't have any, but she still enjoyed the trip. It was a fun day and we are so happy spring is here!


Nana said...

It looks like you all had a lot of fun! I'm looking forward to taking the girls to the zoo while they are here!

Al said...

I want to go to the zoo with the girls!