Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Circus

 On Saturday we took Laneah to the circus in D.C. We took the Metro in and Laneah loved riding on the "train" as she called it. When they are shutting the doors, an automated voice says "step back, doors closing". Laneah kept thinking it was telling her to sit back and every time she would gasp and yell "sit back!" because of course she never sits still. 

I thought she might be a little scared in the city because of all the people in D.C. for the Cherry Blossom Festival, but she took in all of the people and noises and didn't seem to mind a bit. 

We got there just in time for the circus to start. Laneah was in awe from start to finish. She loved the acrobats. She kept saying "I can do that too, look at me". 
 She thought the tigers were "so cool". She had a bag of peanuts and she kept trying to feed the tigers, but really just dropping them on the heads of the poor people below us. lol

 I am amazed at what some of these people can do. 
 In this video, the guy is on stilts and gets catapulted into the air, does and flip and then lands on his stilts. They did other outstanding things too.

 Laneah loved it, as you can tell from her various expressions in the pictures to follow. She was so upset at intermission because she thought it was over. When I told her it wasn't over she was so excited and kept yelling "yay! More circus!"

 Laneah's favorite part by far was seeing the elephants, although it was a pretty short act.
 Laneah enjoying a $12 snowcone, oh the joys of the circus.

 And then it was the finale. Jason and I were a little disappointed in the show, but Laneah loved it and that is all that matters. I think she loved having alone time with just us too. 
It was a lot of fun and I am glad that we went .

Sunday, March 20, 2011


On Friday we went to the National Zoo with our good friends and neighbors. The weather was amazing. It was sunny and in the mid 70s. The animals all came outside to enjoy the nice weather as well. It took a while to get there, but once we were there, the girls loved seeing all the animals.

The girls looking through the window at the rabbits in the kid's farm.
 We saw lions.
 Brooklyn looked at everything from her stroller. It was her first trip to the zoo.
 The girls posing with the lion in the background and roaring like lions.
 We got to see two of the four baby lion cubs. They were so adorable.
 We even saw a baby elephant!
 The girls loved seeing the panda bears. Ezra has a little panda animal named Bamboo. So Laneah and Ezra kept yelling "look, its Bamboo!" when talking about the panda.
 The girls posing in front of the wicker elephant. Of course Laneah had to be a little daredevil and go over the bars.
Us in front of the waterfall. Pardon the state of my shirt, the girls were pulling on me. 
I felt bad because Laneah really wanted to see the giraffes and they didn't have any, but she still enjoyed the trip. It was a fun day and we are so happy spring is here!

Laneah at 3 years, 3 months

Laneah is very ready for our trip to Hawaii. She talks about it non stop. I bought her some snorkel gear and she couldn't wait to get home and put it on. She kept saying, "I going to snurkel!" She tells people all the time that she is going to Hawaii. She pronounces it funny too by elongating it so it sounds like Ha why eee. And this past week I heard her playing with her animals and telling them that they were going to a "hulau"; like she combined hula and luau. She pronounced it like who-lau. So cute.

 She loves anything with monsters, including pretending to be one.
 Eat, eat, eat. All day long.
 Laneah gave her first talk in primary on following the Prophets. It was so funny because she put her mouth right to microphone, almost like she was going to eat it, lol. She loves talking about Jesus and having Family Home Evening. She found this picture of Jesus and asked me to take a picture of her and Jesus.
 I swear she gets more beautiful every day. And taller too!
Her best friends are our neighbor girls, Mia and Ezra. The first thing she asks me in the mornings when she comes into my room is "I want to go see Mia and Ezra". Here they are pretending to have a sleepover. We are lucky they live next door. They play together practically every day.
 Laneah loves the computer. I can't get on it at all, as soon as I turn it on, Laneah takes over. This is one of the reasons that I got a Macbook (I will post more on that later). Her favorite sites are Star Fall, Sesame Street and Playhouse Disney. She can navigate the computer really well now too. She also likes to look at pictures and watch videos. Somehow she knows how to get to the blog, it blows my mind.
Laneah is so full of energy and life. She constantly wants to learn, have fun, and create drama. She is a great big sister and a wonderful daughter. We love her so much!

Brooklyn at 1 year, 2 months

 Brooklyn is 14 months now! She is still a little peanut. I was hoping once she got back on milk she would fatten up a bit, but she is still long and lean. I am anxious for her to get to 20 lbs though because she hates being in her rear facing car seat.
 Favorite song: Wheels on the Bus. Most of the time, she will try to imitate the actions. In this video she just dances, which is still cute. At the end she goes to my ipod speakers because she wants to listen to her song on the speakers, like please stop mom, lol.

 Favorite foods: Grilled cheese, yogurt
Brooklyn has her own made up language. She talks all throughout the day, but the only English words she says are "mama, dada, and yeesh (yes)" She understands most of what we say though, she pays attention.

She is literally into everything, but unlike Laneah, she likes to put things away as much as she likes to make a mess.
 She is the happiest outside. She would swing all day at the park if she could.
She still takes two naps a day, although her morning nap is starting to be a little shorter.
This little girl waves and waves. If she hears her name, the words, bye, hi, hello, or anything similar, she waves. And she actually waves the correct way, not the backwards wave that most toddlers do.

She still enjoys the occasional game of peek-a-boo. But being chased is still her number one game.

Although she is generally mild mannered, she has a instant temper when she doesn't get what she wants, especially when it comes to food. 

She loves cell phones, mommy's itouch and the computer. 
She is starting to climb onto things. This was the spot she chose to sit and watch Barney for a few minutes. She usually isn't interested too much in the t.v., which is good, so I was surprised when she watched 10 minutes of Laneah's show.
 She has to be eating all the time. She is a grazer. She always wants something in her mouth, and if she sees anyone with food she immediately starts fussing. She is officially done with baby food, so she gets pretty messy now. This is after eating blueberry pancakes.
 One of Laneah's friends brought a doll over and Brooklyn picked it up and carried it around the whole day.

 She loves wearing sunglasses and other accessories like purses and bracelets.

She hardly crawls at all anymore. She toddles around pretty fast. She falls a lot but gets right back up and toddles some more.

 I can't believe how old my baby is getting. Brooklyn is so sweet and lovable. One look into those deep brown eyes, and you will be hooked:)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Duckpin Bowling

On Monday evening we went duckpin bowling with the Boyds. Laneah and Dallas had been excited about bowling all day. 
They had fun bowling but didn't like waiting for their turn, but found other things to entertain themselves.
 Laneah would throw the ball and cheer for herself; most of the time without waiting to see if she knocked any pins over:)

 Dallas did really well and got the highest score.
 Laneah all geared up waiting for her turn.

 Brooklyn bowled too with daddy's help.
 As soon as she let go of the ball she would chase after it like she does with her balls at home.
 Laneah and Dallas watching the ball go down the alley.
 I love this picture of Laneah cheering herself on.
 This is the position Scarlette did whenever she would bowl. So cute.
It was fun hanging out with the Boyds as always. It is great having such good friends close by.