Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ice Skating in Forest Park

On Monday Jason, Laneah and I went ice skating at an outside rink in Forest Park. My dad came along, but didn't want to skate. Everyone else was feeling too sick to come. Jason wanted to bring Brooklyn but I said she was too young plus we needed stronger skaters to come. Jason is terrible and I had a hard enough time holding Laneah up. I am a decent skater, but hadn't been in at least five years if not longer. I got the hang of it soon enough. Jason had to be by the railing; he didn't fall but had some close calls. 
 Laneah was SO excited to go ice skating. She had been begging me to take her for a long time.

 Almost as soon as we got on the ice, everyone had to get off so they could smooth it out again. Laneah waited anxiously to get back on the ice.
Laneah was a natural. Once she skated a while, she did it a little by herself. She was so proud and so was I. 

 They had a fire pit and Laneah wanted to warm her hands.
 After a couple hours, the temperature dropped and it started to sleet. Laneah didn't want to leave but it was too cold. We let her play in the "snow" (from the ice rink) for a few minutes before we left. 

That night we roasted marshmallows for smores. We were going to do it outside in the fire pit but it was raining/sleeting hard so we made a fire in the fire place and roasted marshmallows there instead. 

 Brooklyn made her own version of smores. She just ate the chocolate and marshmallows straight from the bag. 

It was a fun day but my arm and shoulder were so sore from holding her up. Laneah can't wait to go ice skating again though:)

Christmas Day

Laneah woke up early on Christmas morning and did not like having to wait for Brooklyn, who was still sleeping. Jason let her open her stocking to keep her pacified. 
 Finally Brooklyn woke up and the girls started to open their presents. Laneah was fast and was done in about five minutes. 
 Brooklyn was excited but took her time too.

 Brooklyn got a Snow White dress and purse and wanted to put it on right then.

 The girls got some nail polish and Brooklyn wanted me to put it on her. She only likes her toes done though. Its funny because she puts her foot up in the air for me to paint rather than sitting or letting me paint her foot on the floor. 
 Then we had to get ready for church. When we got home we took a few pictures.

 Laneah put on the costume Alex brought her from Hawaii. 
This video of her doing the Hula is SO funny. What a little cutie.

It was an interesting Christmas. At some point during the trip we all got sick. Brooklyn had a double ear infection. Alex  and Jereme got Strep and Alex's was antibiotic resistant. The rest of us all got nasty colds/flus. We had a total of 2 visits to Urgent Care and one ER visit; including Christmas Eve and Christmas. So the adults didn't open presents until about 2:30 when everyone was awake. Luckily by Christmas, the girls and Jason and I were well again. 

And the best part of our day was talking to Andrew, my brother who is currently on a mission. We got to video skype this year which was awesome. It was so good to see him.
Christmas was good and the girls got lots of new toys to play with. It was great having Christmas with my family this year.

Christmas Eve

We started off the day in St Charles. It is a historic town right on the river. They had carolers and performers walking the streets. They had all kinds of Christmas decorations. Laneah was scared of all the statues and wouldn't take her picture with them unless I was there with her.

Laneah really liked seeing the horse and carriage.
They had old trains on the tracks next to the river that Laneah wanted to see.
 This old mill was cool. There was a little bubbly stream/waterfall that connected to the river.

They had a little parade at the end with Santa. 
 After St Charles we went home and made our big Christmas dinner. 
 The girls and Nana making cookies.
 The girls had a bath after dinner while the rest of us cleaned the kitchen. Then it was time for our yearly tradition. My dad reads about the Saviors birth from the Bible and talks about how his dad (my grandfather) asked my dad and his siblings when they were young if they thought they were all blessed enough to be there as angels singing to the Shepherds about Jesus when he was born. Laneah went on and on about how she was special to Jesus and everyone was special. It was cute.

 Sibling love.
 Then it was present time. The girls opened a combined gift of a dress up trunk. Of course they immediately took off their pajamas and put on the dresses and jewelry.

 Brooklyn has starting posing and it is so funny.
 Brooklyn giving daddy loves.
 Brooklyn showing off her rings and dress.
 Brooklyn giving love to Uncle Alex.

 Brooklyn took her dress off to eat pie but left her fancy cape and necklace on:)
 Late that night after the girls went to bed we caught Santa!

Then he told us we were being naughty and better go to bed so we did:)