Thursday, December 9, 2010

Laneah's 3rd Birthday Party

Prepare for picture overload:)
For Laneah 3rd birthday we had a princess and knight party. The party was on the 4th, even though her birthday isn't until the 20th, we did it early because Christmas time is so hectic.
I made castle invitations, blue ones for the boys
and pink for the girls

The day before the party I started working on the castle cake. I had never worked with fondant before or done any kind of stacked cakes other than your basic double-layer cake, so this was a project for me. But I like trying new things. I had to make 300 flowers and 250 leaves out of fondant.

It took a long time, but I finished the cake around 2 a.m.

The next day was the party and Laneah got dressed up and had her hair done by her Aunt Jen while Jason and I decorated the church. We had her party at our church gym because we invited 10 kids and we don't have room for 10 kids in our little town home:) 

The Princess arriving at the party

She looked so beautiful!!!! Here is her fake smile

I got her real smile in this profile picture, so much better
 One of the centerpieces. It was the only picture I got of the decor before people started arriving.
The first thing that the kids did was a craft. I bought foam tiaras for the girls to decorate, and made foam shields for the boys to decorate.

Then we had the pony races

Then pass the "poison apple"- like hot potato

The kids favorite game was Cinderella's Ball. It was a freeze dance, but instead of yelling freeze, I yelled midnight. The dance floor was bubble wrap, and the kids had a blast dancing on it.

Our last game was pin the kiss on the frog. I had a lip stamp that I used to make the markers. The kids really enjoyed this game too.

My talented friend Jess drew this for me.

 We had a pull-string pinata, which was fun and a little calmer than one you hit. The kids were so funny because they scooped up the candy and little gifts inside like it was gold. 
 Then it was time for presents. It was a little crazy because all the kids wanted Laneah to open theirs first. She got a good haul too.

 Cake time! Laneah loves blowing out candles and she was so happy with her cake. She started singing Happy Birthday before everyone else because she was ready to blow out those candles, lol.

After she blew out the candles, she was so excited. She jumped up and down yelling "I did it! I did it1" and when everyone clapped, she bowed! So funny.

 The cake actually was really yummy, which was a bonus. The kids ate cake and ice cream at a special table
The party was lots of fun. The kids had a great time, and Laneah still goes on and on about how much fun she had at her party.


Kandice said...

Such an awesome party. Amazing Cake. We will be in Maryland the 23 to 29. Hopefully we will get to see your cute family.

Nana said...

Wow! That was a great party! Wish I could have been there. Laneah looked beautiful!! The cake was amazing! I sure love that sweet princess!

Jen & Johnny said...

What a party!!! AMAZING!! And that cake is FABULOUS!!! Way to go!!! :)

Heather said...

What a great party! You clearly put so much into this, and it turned out perfect. Birthday parties are so exhausting, but it's one of the many things we do to show our love for our babies, so we'll do it again...and again. Happy Birthday, Laneah!