Monday, July 5, 2010

Jason's Birthday and the 4th of July

Jason's birthday was Saturday and we had our usual pool party cookout. We have been having a lot of fun at the pool this year. Laneah was a lot more brave in the water once she saw her cousins swimming. She started jumping off the sides to us and trying to swim.

She still wouldn't go underwater, but she made a lot of progress. Brooklyn is a water baby and she is happy when she is in the water. She kicks her little legs and smiles and coos.

Laneah's "handstand". This is her favorite trick in the pool.
Jason wanted homemade oreos instead of cake this year.

Laneah loves birthdays and singing "Happy Birthday". She wanted us all to sing together and helped daddy blow out the candle. Jason and I tried to sing quietly so you could hear her sweet voice.

Laneah and I made these yummy star rice crispy treats for the 4th of July.
Laneah had fun using the star cookie cutter and she loved putting on the red sprinkles.

Showing off her star.
I got some cute pictures of the girls before church.

After church and naps, we went to a 4th of July parade.
It was 98 degrees outside so we brought a little fan and a squirt bottle. Brooklyn loved the little fan, she would smile and coo at it.
Laneah got really excited when the parade started and gave it a thumbs up
Check out this horses hair and hooves
Laneah got lots of candy, a balloon and even a beach ball. So she was very happy.
Brooklyn also loved the parade and watched it intently.
After the parade we came home and lit some fireworks. We had sparklers, fountains, snakes, and pops. Laneah was really into the fireworks this year and thought they were really cool.

Brooklyn was fascinated by the fireworks as well.
We had a great, albeit, busy weekend. I always love the fourth of July. The fireworks are fun, and the pride that swells in my heart for my country is always immense. I love being an American and I feel blessed to be one. God bless America and Happy 4th of July!


K+C=M+K said...

Happy 4th of July and happy birthday Jason! You guys had such a fun time! I love the girls matching dresses and I just want to attack Brooklyn's cheeks every time I see them!!

Nana said...

These are such cute pictures! Laneah and Brooklyn looked adorable in their dresses. Happy Birthday to Jason!! I love you. Thank you for taking such good care of your three beautiful girls!

Heather said...

These were really cute pictures. You guys had such a fun 4th of July! Caden was freaked out by snappers, and they were both asleep by 8:30, so let's just say our holiday was a little lamer... Brooklyn's dimples are to die for.

Kandice said...

Cute!! Love those swimsuits. Happy birthday Jason!!