Monday, June 7, 2010

Ocean City

On Saturday we took a day trip to Ocean City. I am not going to lie, aside from the first hour, the trip was not fun. Laneah was at her worst (tantrums, hitting and screaming constantly), Jason was in a bad mood because he wanted to play paintball like he usually does on Sat morning, and I had a headache the entire day. And it didn't help that the weather was wrong; it was supposed to be high 70s, and instead it was mid 90s. even little Brooklyn was cranky after the first hour and that is saying a lot. But I am posting anyway because in that first hour, I got some cute pictures and everyone did have a lot of fun then. Plus it was Brooklyn's first beach trip and first time in a swimsuit. While changing her I couldn't resist getting a little nudey picture of her on the beach. She has the cutest little bum!

The water was freezing but that didn't stop Laneah at all. She ran into the water and splashed around and would fall into the water and just laugh. We couldn't get her out of the water that first hour even though her teeth were chattering. She was having too much fun.


Heather said...

I've been there. Taking Isabella to Oceans of Fun when she was 18 months old was one of the longest days of my life. But at least you got some really cute pictures right!?! Too bad the crew was grumpy :)