Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Laneah at 2 years and 7 months


Books: Her princess book collection
Movies: Sleeping Beauty; Toy Story
Cartoons: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse; Little Einsteins
Drink: Gatorade
Snack: Blueberries
Songs: Teach Me; Twinkle, Twinkle


Laneah speaks very well. She can pretty much say anything you can, but she does still say a few funny things though.

*serious- she says this correctly, it is just really funny when she says it. She will yell "Serious! Jeez!"

*dinasanor- dinosaur

*medcinin- medicine

*She calls a water fountain a "water fall"

*She calls mustard "yellow" and ketchup "red"

New and Current Things:

Laneah is such a good big sister. She loves Brooklyn and always wants to show her off, play with her and help her. She wants to do things with her. We just have to be really careful because Laneah gets very exuberant around her. The other day Laneah wanted to read Brooklyn a story, it was so sweet I sneakily took some pictures.

Laneah started a gymnastics class at Rolly Pollies. She has so much fun there. The class has singing and prepared exercises specifically to help the kids development based on their age group. Laneah is in the Butterflies class, which is 2-3 year olds.
(Laneah on the balance beam)
(climbing out of the foam pit)
(She loves to swing on the bars. She does really well and
can get her feet up and over the other bar)
Laneah loves to sing. She either wants to sing with mommy or sing by herself. She also sings along with her cartoons. We are very excited for music makers to start again.

One day when we were in St Louis at a park, Laneah climbed up a rock and yelled really loud "Super Neah!". And the other day she grabbed a hand towel and wanted me to put it around her like a cape. She ran around the house yelling "Super Neah!" and pretended that she was flying.

Laneah has a growing imagination. She loves to play pretend with her stuffed animals. She also pretends that she is doing things with either imaginary friends or people she know that aren't there at the time. For example, here she dressed up to go to a soccer game with daddy even though daddy was really at work. Notice the lack of pants? She doesn't think she needs to wear pants for some reason.

Laneah loves to swim. Every time we go, she gets better in the water. Our first trip to the pool, she was very hesitant. She would get in the water but cling to me or Jason. Now she will swim all by herself with her floaties. The only thing that she still refuses to do is go underwater. But we can get her to blow bubbles and sometimes put part of her face in the water. She especially likes when she can swim with her cousins.

Laneah is very active and adventurous. She is independent and wants things just so; it is her way, or no way. Sometimes she makes me laugh and sometimes she makes me want to pull my hair out, but we sure do love her!


Kandice said...

Such cute girls!Love the flying!! I love your updates. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks.

Heather said...

I love her personality. I think that she and Isabella would be the best of friends. I love her way of saying certain words--adorable.

Nana said...

She is MY Super Nana! I love her so very much! She looks so cute in her hat.