Sunday, June 20, 2010

Laneah at 2 1/2


Drink: lemonade
Movie: Toy Story
Cartoon: Mickey Mouse Club House
Meal: cheeseburger and french fries
Book: Dora's Bedtime Adventures
Snack: grapes, popsicles and fruit snacks


*lellow m- Laneah calls McDonalds yellow m.

*pakwan- popcorn. Every time Laneah watches a movie, she thinks that she needs popcorn. She loves that stuff.

*whey fo me- wait for me. One day we were taking a walk and Laneah stopped to look at something, then she looked over at us and said "whey for me!" It was adorable.

*elflint- Elephant

*ma own- my own. Laneah always wants her own snack, drink, toy; you name it. If she wants what you have, she will demand "ma own!"

*one pon tine- once upon a time. All books and movies start with once upon a time.

*whoa slippawee- whoa slippery. Whenever Laneah looses her balance she rights herself and says "whoa, slippawee.

*adding "ie" to the ends of words. Sometimes Laneah will add ie to the end of words like "upie" instead of up, or "drinkie" instead of drink.

*help sticky tape! There is an episode of Dora that revolves around sticky tape solving all the problems. Ever since she saw that episode when Laneah is in a situation where she needs help she yells "help! sticky tape!"

* When Laneah gets hurt or is really upset and crying she will prompt you on what to say. She will be crying and say "whasamatter?" And she wants you to ask her "what's the matter"

*was'next?- What's next? Laneah is my child that loves routine. So she will ask "was'next" and then answer her own question because she usually knows what is going to happen next.

*go fast. Laneah loves going fast. She says this the most when we are in the car. She will say "go fast mommy!" (or daddy:)

*cassel- castle. All tall buidings with pointy tops or pretty architecture are castles to Laneah.

*exercise. Laneah will do things like jumping jacks and say "look mommy, exercise"
(skating with Uncle Drew)

New Things:

*Thumbs up-I am not sure where she got it from, but Laneah likes to give two thumbs up all the time now.

*Fake smile- Most of the time I can't get Laneah to even look at the camera, and now when she does she either just stares or gives a cheesy, fake smile just like her dad.

*Total diva- This really isn't a new thing, but somehow each month she becomes more of a diva. She loves getting into my makeup, wearing my shoes, getting dressed up with jewelry and accessories, and throwing major tantrums over nothing.

(Laneah after she got a hold of my lipstick)
(Laneah wanted to paint her own nails)
(showing off her nails)

*Mood Swings-this isn't new either but it is getting more intense.
(her mood swings in about two minutes of time-angry/pouty)
(Trying to be cute so she doesn't get into trouble for throwing a tantrum)
(happy again)

*Hopscotch- Laneah's favorite game right now is hopscotch. We draw it with chalk and then she jumps and says "one,two,one,two".

Laneah is a lot of fun and a lot of work. Her age combined with her diva mentality make it difficult sometimes, but I wouldn't trade a day with her for the world. (ok, maybe a day wouldn't be so bad, but you get my drift, lol) She is so smart, funny and creative and we love her so much!


Heather said...

She's so cute I can't imagine her throwing tantrums! I love how much personality she has, and I love her sayings. You're clearly doing a great job, mommy!

Al said...

i miss you guys so much already! laneah is so fun to listen too. we should skype soon. :) love ya!

Al said...
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