Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Brooklyn (aka Princess Drool) is 5 months old

My beautiful brown eyed baby is 5 months old! She is such a sweet and happy baby. She loves to smile and laugh. And boy does she drool, I think she could fill up a bathtub in one day. lol. Forget the pacifier, this girl loves her fingers. She found her thumb and there is no going back. Sometimes she even sucks on her thumb while eating her bottle.
Brooklyn wants more attention now that she is a little older. She feels that she needs to be entertained and so she fusses if no one is around giving her love. But as soon as she gets her attention she is all smiles.

She loves bubbles and balloons. She gets really excited and happy when you sing to her. She loves watching her big sister too.
She is becoming more independent now. She likes to face out when being held and even tries to hold her own bottle. When she is eating and is really tired she covers her eyes with her arm. I think she is ready to start eating solid foods because she watches very intently when you eat or drink.

Brooklyn likes to clasp her hands together and cross her ankles. She is moving all around and has almost mastered rolling over from her back to tummy. She likes to stand and jump, so we took the jumperoo out of the attic and after a couple of tries, Brooklyn figured out how to jump and then she went crazy laughing and jumping.

She is so much fun and we are so happy that she is ours for all eternity. Now if only she would stop growing so fast!


Al said...

i can't believe she is that big already! i'm very happy i got to be with you guys last week. it was so much fun!

Krista said...

I cant believe she is 5 mths already! She is so cute! Oh I cant wait, I cant WAIT to see those girlies agan! Ill be back in VA in July so Im planning a trip up, ok?!

Caroline said...

Too cute! I am in love with her thighs! So squishy and fun!