Thursday, June 3, 2010

Adoption Day

ITS OFFICIAL!!!! Today was Brooklyn's adoption day. We went to court this morning and Brooklyn's adoption is now finalized:) We were in the same courtroom and had the same judge that we did for Laneah's adoption too. It only took about 15 minutes. Jason and I both had to get on the witness stand and answer a few questions and then the judge ruled in favor of the adoption. I was so happy that I cried.
I love that in these pictures, Brooklyn is looking at me and smiling and holding onto my hair in one and my shirt in the other. She loves her mama!
Laneah was so cute. When we went to take pictures with the judge he asked her if she liked her sister and she said "yes, my sister Brooklyn". She wanted to sit in this big chair.
After court we went for breakfast at Bob Evans. Brooklyn showing off her dimples and happy to be getting kisses from daddy.

When we got home Laneah gave her a big hug and said "I loves you Brooklyn". Ah, my heart melted, it was so sweet. And these are just some cute pictures of my beautiful baby.

We love Brooklyn so much and we are so happy that she is finally, officially and legally ours.


KennedyRose said...

I am so happy for you guys that its all final!

Nana said...

I"m so HAPPY!!! Brooklyn looks almost as happy as I am! I love you all! I can't wait to hold her and kiss her!

Laura and Chris said...

yay! congratulations! so so happy for you.

Caroline said...

I am so happy for you! I am tearing up!

Al said...


Little Sweet Pea said...

Beautiful pictures! I am so happy for you!

Heather said...

Brooklyn is clearly happy that she's finally officially yours, too :) Congratulations!

Kandice said...

Yay!!! Can't be a better feeling. Love your little family! Congrats.

katie said...

Congratulations, I am SO happy for you all!

J, E, M & I said...

Very cool! That was the same judge that we had with Micah's adoption. How cool! Love you guys!