Wednesday, June 30, 2010

St Louis

We had a great time in St Louis. We got to see my whole family too! My brother Jacob came for a couple of hours. He had been working in Florida on a temporary job, but was able to get a full time job there so he came back to get his truck and possessions. It was great to have everyone together, even it was just for a couple of hours.
One of Laneah's favorite things we did was go to the Incredible pizza company. They had just built one near my parent's house and we had never been. The place was huge! They had a huge buffet of food, video arcade room, toddler play room, go kart race track, bumper cars, indoor glow-in-the-dark mini golf, and a mini bowling alley. Laneah had so much fun. It was her first time in a go kart and she loved it. She kept yelling "go fast! Go fast!" and a couple times she grabbed the wheel from me we would swerve all over the place. It was a lot of fun.
Laneah loves bowling, she talks about it all the time. She had a blast throwing the ball. At first she would just throw it over her head, but we showed her how to granny bowl and she got really good at it.
She was too hyped up in the mini golf. She just ran around and would pick up the balls and put them in the hole. It was really funny.
Brooklyn LOVED her Nana. I have never heard her laugh so hard and so much. My mom could get her to laugh all day long.

My parents have an indoor cat, Jack and an outdoor cat, Tasha. Laneah always had to have a cat to pet. If there wasn't, she would recruit someone to help her find Jack or Tasha.
Both girls loved the extra attention they got. Especially Laneah, because she got pretty much everything she wanted:) Uncle Alex took her for a ride on his skateboard.
My dad, Andrew and I took the girls to the St Louis Science Center, Laneah ran around and had fun, but it was still a little old for her.
The Science Center has a bridge that goes over the highway and you can look at the cars through binoculars and clock people's speed.
They also have some spots with just glass on the floor and Laneah loved looking at the cars go by
Laneah's favorite movie is story and so my mom and I took her to see Toy Story 3. It was a really funny movie. Laneah did really good until the last 30 minutes when all the soda and popcorn were gone:)

We got Brooklyn's ears pierced too. She did great. She cried for about 10 seconds, stuck her thumb in her mouth and was asleep before I even got out of the chair. I chose round gold balls for her. She looks so cute.
We went to the Butterfly House of course. I thought Laneah would really like it, but she didn't last long. Brooklyn was fascinated by the butterflies though.
This entire tree was covered in butterflies.
We also went with my brother Andrew to receive his Endowments at the temple to prepare for his upcoming mission and everyone but Jacob was able to be at Brooklyn's sealing. It was great to see my family, and spend time with them, I miss them all already!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Laneah at 2 1/2


Drink: lemonade
Movie: Toy Story
Cartoon: Mickey Mouse Club House
Meal: cheeseburger and french fries
Book: Dora's Bedtime Adventures
Snack: grapes, popsicles and fruit snacks


*lellow m- Laneah calls McDonalds yellow m.

*pakwan- popcorn. Every time Laneah watches a movie, she thinks that she needs popcorn. She loves that stuff.

*whey fo me- wait for me. One day we were taking a walk and Laneah stopped to look at something, then she looked over at us and said "whey for me!" It was adorable.

*elflint- Elephant

*ma own- my own. Laneah always wants her own snack, drink, toy; you name it. If she wants what you have, she will demand "ma own!"

*one pon tine- once upon a time. All books and movies start with once upon a time.

*whoa slippawee- whoa slippery. Whenever Laneah looses her balance she rights herself and says "whoa, slippawee.

*adding "ie" to the ends of words. Sometimes Laneah will add ie to the end of words like "upie" instead of up, or "drinkie" instead of drink.

*help sticky tape! There is an episode of Dora that revolves around sticky tape solving all the problems. Ever since she saw that episode when Laneah is in a situation where she needs help she yells "help! sticky tape!"

* When Laneah gets hurt or is really upset and crying she will prompt you on what to say. She will be crying and say "whasamatter?" And she wants you to ask her "what's the matter"

*was'next?- What's next? Laneah is my child that loves routine. So she will ask "was'next" and then answer her own question because she usually knows what is going to happen next.

*go fast. Laneah loves going fast. She says this the most when we are in the car. She will say "go fast mommy!" (or daddy:)

*cassel- castle. All tall buidings with pointy tops or pretty architecture are castles to Laneah.

*exercise. Laneah will do things like jumping jacks and say "look mommy, exercise"
(skating with Uncle Drew)

New Things:

*Thumbs up-I am not sure where she got it from, but Laneah likes to give two thumbs up all the time now.

*Fake smile- Most of the time I can't get Laneah to even look at the camera, and now when she does she either just stares or gives a cheesy, fake smile just like her dad.

*Total diva- This really isn't a new thing, but somehow each month she becomes more of a diva. She loves getting into my makeup, wearing my shoes, getting dressed up with jewelry and accessories, and throwing major tantrums over nothing.

(Laneah after she got a hold of my lipstick)
(Laneah wanted to paint her own nails)
(showing off her nails)

*Mood Swings-this isn't new either but it is getting more intense.
(her mood swings in about two minutes of time-angry/pouty)
(Trying to be cute so she doesn't get into trouble for throwing a tantrum)
(happy again)

*Hopscotch- Laneah's favorite game right now is hopscotch. We draw it with chalk and then she jumps and says "one,two,one,two".

Laneah is a lot of fun and a lot of work. Her age combined with her diva mentality make it difficult sometimes, but I wouldn't trade a day with her for the world. (ok, maybe a day wouldn't be so bad, but you get my drift, lol) She is so smart, funny and creative and we love her so much!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Brooklyn (aka Princess Drool) is 5 months old

My beautiful brown eyed baby is 5 months old! She is such a sweet and happy baby. She loves to smile and laugh. And boy does she drool, I think she could fill up a bathtub in one day. lol. Forget the pacifier, this girl loves her fingers. She found her thumb and there is no going back. Sometimes she even sucks on her thumb while eating her bottle.
Brooklyn wants more attention now that she is a little older. She feels that she needs to be entertained and so she fusses if no one is around giving her love. But as soon as she gets her attention she is all smiles.

She loves bubbles and balloons. She gets really excited and happy when you sing to her. She loves watching her big sister too.
She is becoming more independent now. She likes to face out when being held and even tries to hold her own bottle. When she is eating and is really tired she covers her eyes with her arm. I think she is ready to start eating solid foods because she watches very intently when you eat or drink.

Brooklyn likes to clasp her hands together and cross her ankles. She is moving all around and has almost mastered rolling over from her back to tummy. She likes to stand and jump, so we took the jumperoo out of the attic and after a couple of tries, Brooklyn figured out how to jump and then she went crazy laughing and jumping.

She is so much fun and we are so happy that she is ours for all eternity. Now if only she would stop growing so fast!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Families Are Forever

On Saturday we were able to the Nauvoo Temple and have Brooklyn sealed to us for time and all eternity. It was a beautiful experience. Brooklyn looked so beautiful in her dress and we took some pictures all in white afterwards. When Laneah saw us in the temple she laughed at Jason and said "silly daddy" and then called me "Princess Mommy". Most of my family was able to be there and that made it even better. We love our little girls and we are so happy that they are ours forever.