Sunday, November 29, 2009


Such a cutie pie!

We went to Jason's Grandma's house for Thanksgiving this year. We did a kind of potluck. I made the turkey, stuffing and apple pie and everyone else brought other dishes as well.
Who can resist kissing her cute little face?
This was so funny. She crawled under the rug and laid down like she was going to take a nap. She got upset when I took her picture though.

Laneah had lots of fun playing with her cousins, especially Blake. Blake is really strong and likes to pick Laneah up and carry her. Laneah thinks it is so funny and laughs and laughs when he does it.
I love this picture. It is nearly impossible to get these kids to smile at the same time! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!


AndrewD said...

hahaha she is SO BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is getting ridiculous... that hair is WAY longer than i thought it would be! she is gunna grow up to be a straight up fox lol

Nana said...

I'm so Thankful for Jason and his family. I love you guys!

Heather said...

I'm glad Laneah likes being picked up...most kids at that age would throw a fit. Her ballet flats were adorable. Thanks to her stylish mama, of course.

Al said...

i love that she crawled under the rug to take a nap. lol.